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mtv commercial

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# 1 19 years ago

> > theres a commercial on MTV where people are dancing and everyone is do the same dance in a bar wearing cowboy outfits on and a old guy is standing next to the jukebox tapping his foot. its funky music what is the song called? or what is the commercial talking about meaning what is the company?>
# 2 19 years ago

> > > theres a commercial on MTV where people are dancing and everyone is do the same dance in a bar wearing cowboy outfits on and a old guy is standing next to the jukebox tapping his foot. its funky music what is the song called? or what is the commercial talking about meaning what is the company?>
I dont know the name of the song but it is a commercial for I-pods
# 3 19 years ago

It is a song I believe by Black Eyed Peas or someone of that nature and it is for the MP3 player that uses satelight radio to hold all your different Genres. It is supposed to show how your different types of music can co exist. Kinda neat and the song is catchy
# 4 19 years ago

> > > theres a commercial on MTV where people are dancing and everyone is do the same dance in a bar wearing cowboy outfits on and a old guy is standing next to the jukebox tapping his foot. its funky music what is the song called? or what is the commercial talking about meaning what is the company?>
# 5 19 years ago

there was this commercial on mtv for the real world, im pretty sure it was the vegas one.but the commercial was the whole cast in a kitchen eating watermelon and the song was somethin like "i just want you to take off my cloths"
# 6 19 years ago

> > > theres this commercial on of those life imitates music commercial..where it starts with a boy on his bike and then he throws stones at the girls window but shes not hoem bu the doesn't know...and then he rides back hoem upset to find his girl at his window throwing stones...theres this really beautiful song in the background and i was just wondering what it was?....
# 7 19 years ago

there is a comercial for a show called, "My Super Sweet Sixteen" The cong kinda goes, "When girls start trading the boby socks, for stockings" It shows an old way of showing a sweet sixteen and a new way. What is the name of the song thats' in it???
# 8 18 years ago

> > > > theres this commercial on of those life imitates music commercial..where it starts with a boy on his bike and then he throws stones at the girls window but shes not hoem bu the doesn't know...and then he rides back hoem upset to find his girl at his window throwing stones...theres this really beautiful song in the background and i was just wondering what it was?....dxnz
# 9 17 years ago

I've been looking for it to it's Zero 7- Destiny

great song
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