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Love Actually instrumental

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# 1 19 years ago

what is that song its an instrumental in "Love Actually" the film in the end hen the little boy is in the airport and he is running to find the girl he likes and when the guy is lead to the girl he wants to marry by her dad and a crowed. what is that song?? i also heard it in a the aviator trailor in in the end.. what is that song
# 2 19 years ago

the song you're looking for is called "PM's Love Them" by Craig Armstrong. merry christmas
# 3 19 years ago

Doug Perkins
The song is the prime minister's love theme (PM love theme) by craig armstrong. I just found it myself. fitting that I found it on christmas. Enjoy.
# 4 19 years ago

PM's love theme - craig armstrong
# 5 19 years ago

No it was mostly played at the climax of the film. Airport, and walking the restarant for the porposal.
# 6 19 years ago

If you've found out what song that is, or how to get it; please email me to let me know. Thanks; -

> what is that song its an instrumental in "Love Actually" the film in the end hen the little boy is in the airport and he is running to find the girl he likes and when the guy is lead to the girl he wants to marry by her dad and a crowed. what is that song?? i also heard it in a the aviator trailor in in the end.. what is that song
# 7 19 years ago

> If you've found out what song that is, or how to get it; please email me to let me know. Thanks; -

> yes me to what is that song

> > what is that song its an instrumental in "Love Actually" the film in the end hen the little boy is in the airport and he is running to find the girl he likes and when the guy is lead to the girl he wants to marry by her dad and a crowed. what is that song?? i also heard it in a the aviator trailor in in the end.. what is that song
# 8 19 years ago

The song is call "something in the air " by thunderclap newman
# 9 19 years ago

The song is Sometimes be Gabrielle.

> what is that song its an instrumental in "Love Actually" the film in the end hen the little boy is in the airport and he is running to find the girl he likes and when the guy is lead to the girl he wants to marry by her dad and a crowed. what is that song?? i also heard it in a the aviator trailor in in the end.. what is that song
# 10 19 years ago

You posted awhile back so i don't know if you still need this, but the instrumental piece is by Craig Armstong and it's called "PM's Love Song." For some reason they didn't put it on the US version of the Love Actually soundtrack.
# 11 19 years ago

I have the same quest I guess, I really want to know what song that is. It isn't on the soundtrack of Love Actually. But I'm guessing that I think that it might be a song from Howard Shore, the man who made the score (not the soundtrack) for 'the aviator'. Here is his tracklist, I haven't found the time yet to download/buy this record:
I'm hoping that the searching ends soon and I can enjoy that amazingly good written song.
# 12 18 years ago

e-mail me please when you find out
> I have the same quest I guess, I really want to know what song that is. It isn't on the soundtrack of Love Actually. But I'm guessing that I think that it might be a song from Howard Shore, the man who made the score (not the soundtrack) for 'the aviator'. Here is his tracklist, I haven't found the time yet to download/buy this record:
> I'm hoping that the searching ends soon and I can enjoy that amazingly good written song.
> Greetz
> Bavo
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