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HBO ad song (slow instrumental)

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# 1 19 years ago

There is an ad that plays on HBO between movies right now (NOV-DEC) that is a slow instrumental tune. I didnt see much of what was on the screen during the ad but it seems to me I have also heard this song on the soundtrack of a movie I watched recently on HBO but I dont know which one. It was during a love scene I think. That's all I got. Little help?
# 2 19 years ago

> There is an ad that plays on HBO between movies right now (NOV-DEC) that is a slow instrumental tune. I didnt see much of what was on the screen during the ad but it seems to me I have also heard this song on the soundtrack of a movie I watched recently on HBO but I dont know which one. It was during a love scene I think. That's all I got. Little help?
# 3 19 years ago

It is during an ad that is a retrospective of 2004 with an occasional message across the screen, something like "chart a new course". It also shows what is coming in 2005. The song is almost all piano and strings.
# 4 19 years ago

Thomas Newman from the Road to Perdition Soundtrack, "Road to Chicago"
# 5 19 years ago

> There is an ad that plays on HBO between movies right now (NOV-DEC) that is a slow instrumental tune. I didnt see much of what was on the screen during the ad but it seems to me I have also heard this song on the soundtrack of a movie I watched recently on HBO but I dont know which one. It was during a love scene I think. That's all I got. Little help?
# 6 19 years ago

> There is an ad that plays on HBO between movies right now (NOV-DEC) that is a slow instrumental tune. I didnt see much of what was on the screen during the ad but it seems to me I have also heard this song on the soundtrack of a movie I watched recently on HBO but I dont know which one. It was during a love scene I think. That's all I got. Little help?

It is from The Road to Perdition... it was driving me nuts too and then it hit me.
(All 6 messages )

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