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song in grand theft auto vice city

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# 16 21 years ago

i want to no what thAT song is called video kill the raido star i want to no who sing's it
# 17 21 years ago

> Can anyone help me find a song that is in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, it plays in the radio station the wave, the song's chorus goes 'here in my car' or something like that, that same song is in a Nissan Altima commercial, i looked for it in the Vice City cd but the song wasnt featured. I'm also looking for a song in Gran Theft Auto 3 that is also in the movie Scarface, it plays in the movie when they are all sitting in the club. Thanks for the help!
garry numan cars

# 18 21 years ago

cars by gary nueman remade by fearfactory

# 19 20 years ago

Robert Dole
the official website does not list every song made... so it is 'cars' by fear factory.
# 20 20 years ago

The Song is 'Cars' by Gary Newman (so says the DJ btw ;)
# 21 20 years ago

The is from Gary Newman, i think its name is 'Cars', but i'm not sure.
But you can get a great Coverversion from this Song (featured by Gary Newman) from Fear Factory. Its name is 'Cars'.
# 22 20 years ago

check out 'I Ran (So Far Away)' by A Flock of Seagulls. that's one of the songs on the commercial

# 23 20 years ago

I think the song you're talking about is the Fear Factory version of 'Cars' It was originally made by Gary Numan.
# 24 20 years ago

Does anyone know what is the song between 'Love my Away - The Psychedelic Furs' and 'Gold-Spandau Ballet' on the WAVE 103 station?
# 25 20 years ago

> Can anyone help me find a song that is in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, it plays in the radio station the wave, the song's chorus goes 'here in my car' or something like that, that same song is in a Nissan Altima commercial, i looked for it in the Vice City cd but the song wasnt featured. I'm also looking for a song in Gran Theft Auto 3 that is also in the movie Scarface, it plays in the movie when they are all sitting in the club. Thanks for the help!

the name of the song if CARS and it is by FEAR FACTORY

# 26 20 years ago

It's Cars by either Fear Factory or Gary Numan
# 27 20 years ago

:Gary Numan 'In My Car'
# 28 19 years ago

> Can anyone help me find a song that is in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, it plays in the radio station the wave, the song's chorus goes 'here in my car' or something like that, that same song is in a Nissan Altima commercial, i looked for it in the Vice City cd but the song wasnt featured. I'm also looking for a song in Gran Theft Auto 3 that is also in the movie Scarface, it plays in the movie when they are all sitting in the club. Thanks for the help! IT IS CARS

# 29 18 years ago

> Can anyone help me find a song that is in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, it plays in the radio station the wave, the song's chorus goes 'here in my car' or something like that, that same song is in a Nissan Altima commercial, i looked for it in the Vice City cd but the song wasnt featured. I'm also looking for a song in Gran Theft Auto 3 that is also in the movie Scarface, it plays in the movie when they are all sitting in the club. Thanks for the help!
# 30 18 years ago

> > Can anyone help me find a song that is in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, it plays in the radio station the wave, the song's chorus goes 'here in my car' or something like that, that same song is in a Nissan Altima commercial, i looked for it in the Vice City cd but the song wasnt featured. I'm also looking for a song in Gran Theft Auto 3 that is also in the movie Scarface, it plays in the movie when they are all sitting in the club. Thanks for the help!
> >
this is blondie atomic ?
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