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Whats the song for the Axe Effect commercial???

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# 1 21 years ago

Its goes like 'shes back.... shes back...' something like that and the guy goes in the elovator and and the girl comes in and stuff...
# 2 21 years ago

I want to know to...has anyone found out the name of it

# 3 21 years ago

J. Williams
I think it says, 'I want ya...tease me, tease me...'
but I'm horribly deaf, so who knows...
# 4 21 years ago

i did not find this out a person form the past archives did
: If you scroll down to a 10/29 comment, it says the following:
> Posted by Person251 on October 29, 19102 at 21:20:43:
> YAY! I FINNALY found out what it is. I'll quote the axe representatives exactly. 'The music on this commercial is a live recording created for the television commercial by Novaprod a music production company in Paris, France. The title is 'L'Ascenceur'. The music was composed by Thierry Fauchard and Alain Plumauzille and published by Nova Tempo.' well, there it is, hope that makes you happy.

# 5 21 years ago

that isnt the one from the elevator commercial, i looked it up...the one i want to know about is the one in the elevator commercial lol where he sounds like hes singing 'cheese snacks' i know that isnt what hes saying but if anyone knows what song that is i will suck your toes!!!!!!!!
# 6 21 years ago

I downloaded the song from the all i need is the damn know..the elevator one.....i have it STUCK in my head
i'd be happy to send it to somebody if they could figure it out!!!

# 7 21 years ago

The song is 'L'Ascencuer' - 'the elevator' in french. However, don't bother looking for it - it was made specifically for that ad and is only 30secs long (as far as I know, the lyrics ('I want ya, tease me') weren't sampled from anywhere either).
# 8 21 years ago

I think the name of the song is 'Party Time' but I have no idea who sings it. I wanna know really bad!!

# 9 19 years ago

> Its goes like 'shes back.... shes back...' something like that and the guy goes in the elovator and and the girl comes in and stuff...
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