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Solaris Trailer

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# 1 21 years ago

Hi George:
The Solaris music, it's more of a 'sound design drone' as we call it, was created by on of our writers and is available for licensing through RipTide Music. It was not used on the Lexus commercial that you mentioned although I'll look out for it to see how similar it is.
Let me know if you or someone you represent has interest in licensing this track, what the intended use would be and and where it would play and from that information we can discuss a fee.
I'm emailing you on my traveling hotmail account so please respond to my regular email: and I'll recieve it where ever I am.
Thanks for you interest.
Best regards,
Rich Goldman
RipTide Music
4121 Redwood Ave. Ste. 202
Los Angeles, CA 90066
(310) 437-4380
(310) 437-4384 fax
-----Original Message-----
From: George Clooney[mailto:GeorgeClooney@Foxfilm.Com]
Sent: Wednesday, November 20, 2002 10:49 AM

To whom it concerns,
I have some questions:
1.) Who wrote the music for the Solaris Teaser?
2.) Is that music available for purchase for individual use through Riptide
or otherwise?
3.) Where can I find it?
Thank you,
George Clooney
On a perhaps unrelated note, the music for the Solaris teaser sounds
strikingly similar to the music used in the last Lexus commercial 'We pursue
perfection so you don't have to.' Did you provide the music for that
commercial as well?

# 2 21 years ago

> I found the company that provided the music for the Solaris trailer, though it seems that they're not going to be releasing the music for public consumption.
> My letter to the company and its reply follow:
> Hi George:
> The Solaris music, it's more of a 'sound design drone' as we call it, was created by on of our writers and is available for licensing through RipTide Music. It was not used on the Lexus commercial that you mentioned although I'll look out for it to see how similar it is.
> Let me know if you or someone you represent has interest in licensing this track, what the intended use would be and and where it would play and from that information we can discuss a fee.
> I'm emailing you on my traveling hotmail account so please respond to my regular email: and I'll recieve it where ever I am.
> Thanks for you interest.
> Best regards,
> Rich Goldman
: RipTide Music
: 4121 Redwood Ave. Ste. 202
: Los Angeles, CA 90066
: (310) 437-4380
: (310) 437-4384 fax
> -----Original Message-----
: From: George Clooney[mailto:GeorgeClooney@Foxfilm.Com]
: Sent: Wednesday, November 20, 2002 10:49 AM
: To:
: Subject:
: To whom it concerns,
> I have some questions:
: 1.) Who wrote the music for the Solaris Teaser?
: 2.) Is that music available for purchase for individual use through Riptide
: or otherwise?
: 3.) Where can I find it?
> Thank you,
: George Clooney
> On a perhaps unrelated note, the music for the Solaris teaser sounds
: strikingly similar to the music used in the last Lexus commercial 'We pursue
: perfection so you don't have to.' Did you provide the music for that
: commercial as well?
Just as a side note...The song depends on which trailer....according to 20th Century Fox's marketing department, the two TV trailers have different music and I don't knwo which is which. The songs are 'The Journey' by X-Ray Dog (A music publishing group that does a lot of music for trailers and commercials) and 'Light from a Dead Star' by Lush. The online trailer has an even different song, but I don't know what it is at all.
# 3 21 years ago

What is the name of the song in that Lexus commercial? I've been wondering for awhile now.
# 4 21 years ago

The song you are saying is by lush is indeed NOT by lush. an e-mail was sent to the guy that did some of the scores for the solaris movie, and he said it is a song by Brian Wayy called Fragile. Many have said it is that lush track...and others have also said it is a Moby track called In My Heart. they all sond a like due to the arpegiation of the notes, but it is indeed an original composed by Brian Wayy entitled FRAGILE
# 5 21 years ago

# 6 20 years ago

I am Brian Wayy, can you tell me more about this song that I wrote. can you email me directiley.
In Reply to: Re: Solaris Trailer posted by Daphne on November 22, 19102 at 00:22:34:
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