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mlife bus commercial song

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# 1 21 years ago

Can someone please tell me the name of the song that is played in the Mlife commercial where the young couple is on the bus sending messages to each other?

# 2 21 years ago

Don't know, but love it too. Heard it on the radio recently, probably on the local university student station.
I'll keep looking and will post here when I find out. Please do same, if you find out first.

# 3 21 years ago

> Don't know, but love it too. Heard it on the radio recently, probably on the local university student station.
> I'll keep looking and will post here when I find out. Please do same, if you find out first.
Does anyone know what the song is in the other mlife commercial where the dad pushes the cell phone under the daughter's door. It goes 'Hey, hello, now that youre finally on your own...'
# 4 21 years ago

OK - I have searched high and low as well and the song is called 'Toxic Girl' by a band called The Kings of Convenience. Their website has some samples of other songs of the same acoustic caliber. Gonna pick it up.
# 5 21 years ago

hey all thanks for the help...I will check out the site...
# 6 21 years ago

> hey all thanks for the help...I will check out the site...
Same here!!! A very big Aloha and Mahalo (thanks)!

# 7 21 years ago

> Can someone please tell me the name of the song that is played in the Mlife commercial where the young couple is on the bus sending messages to each other?
'Toxic Girl' by Kings of Convenience.

# 8 21 years ago

> : Don't know, but love it too. Heard it on the radio recently, probably on the local university student station.
>> I'll keep looking and will post here when I find out. Please do same, if you find out first.
> Does anyone know what the song is in the other mlife commercial where the dad pushes the cell phone under the daughter's door. It goes 'Hey, hello, now that youre finally on your own...'
> Yea Does anyone kno what the song in the other mlife commercial where the dad pushes the cell phone under the door... the 'hey hello...' its really bugging me......... someone please tell us what the song is called

# 9 21 years ago

Who saw that mlife commercial - the one with the horse ?
>> Don't know, but love it too. Heard it on the radio recently, probably on the local university student station.
>> I'll keep looking and will post here when I find out. Please do same, if you find out first.
> Does anyone know what the song is in the other mlife commercial where the dad pushes the cell phone under the daughter's door. It goes 'Hey, hello, now that youre finally on your own...'

# 10 21 years ago

> : Don't know, but love it too. Heard it on the radio recently, probably on the local university student station.
>> I'll keep looking and will post here when I find out. Please do same, if you find out first.
> Does anyone know what the song is in the other mlife commercial where the dad pushes the cell phone under the daughter's door. It goes 'Hey, hello, now that youre finally on your own...'

# 11 21 years ago

its a song called 'toxic girl' by a norwegian band called kings of convenience
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