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D-Skin CD protection commercial song

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# 1 19 years ago

I am looking for the artist name and song title to that song that plays on the new D-Skin commercial, with the guy in the desert who gets picked up by that scary trucker, and the song in the truck's CD player is skipping, so the guy takes the CD out and tosses it out the window, then he gets a new cover and puts it on the CD in his portable disc player, and he puts it in the player and it is the same song. I think it is like an adaptation of a country song into rock or something, and it sounds like a rough guy singing it. It has lyrics like, "Bein' the lucky man" or something like that. If you know it, I would appreciate it! Thanks!
# 2 18 years ago

I've been searching for this song ever since I saw that commercial. Still haven't found anything yet though... If you find the artist or title please let me know. CJ
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