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Car commercial recollection?

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# 1 21 years ago

I could use some help...My girlfriend saw a television commercial where 'these guys sample noices made by the car and make music out of it.' This sounds really cool to me as I am that sort of musician and I would love to see it. Problem is she doesn't remember the make and model of the car.'
Has anyone seen this commercial? If so where can I see it?
# 2 21 years ago

> I could use some help...My girlfriend saw a television commercial where 'these guys sample noices made by the car and make music out of it.' This sounds really cool to me as I am that sort of musician and I would love to see it. Problem is she doesn't remember the make and model of the car.'
: Has anyone seen this commercial? If so where can I see it?
: Thanks.

# 3 21 years ago

> I could use some help...My girlfriend saw a television commercial where 'these guys sample noices made by the car and make music out of it.' This sounds really cool to me as I am that sort of musician and I would love to see it. Problem is she doesn't remember the make and model of the car.'
: Has anyone seen this commercial? If so where can I see it?
: Thanks.
yeah...i'm pretty sure it's a nissan altima commercial.
# 4 21 years ago

I've seen the commercial and have been looking all over the internet trying to find out what the song is called. I only know that it's a commercial for the Nissan Altima. Sorry I can't be of more help.

# 5 20 years ago

Are you sure it isn't the VW comercial from a while back when the 'new jetta' came out? It was rainy and they seemed to make a song out of the windshield wipers, blinkers, brakes lights...neat comercial. I have the mp3 of that clip if you want it.

# 6 21 years ago

> Are you sure it isn't the VW comercial from a while back when the 'new jetta' came out? It was rainy and they seemed to make a song out of the windshield wipers, blinkers, brakes lights...neat comercial. I have the mp3 of that clip if you want it.
no... its not that one... its definitely the Nissan Altima 2002 commercial entitled 'lavish'
# 7 21 years ago

> : I could use some help...My girlfriend saw a television commercial where 'these guys sample noices made by the car and make music out of it.' This sounds really cool to me as I am that sort of musician and I would love to see it. Problem is she doesn't remember the make and model of the car.'
:> Has anyone seen this commercial? If so where can I see it?
:> Thanks.
> yeah...i'm pretty sure it's a nissan altima commercial.

# 8 21 years ago

Well this is not really much of a song its a sample, it was done only for the commercial but you can see it on
# 9 21 years ago

it is its a nissan altima and its made by this guy ming and fs
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