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what is that song from the telus commercial

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# 1 19 years ago

there is a new telus commercial with a lizard that turns from blue to red and there is a song in it with the words, "do you see what i see," and it has a reggae flava to it. Please can someone help me out. it's killin me not knowin what it's called. thanx

please e-mail me at
# 2 19 years ago

> there is a new telus commercial with a lizard that turns from blue to red and there is a song in it with the words, "do you see what i see," and it has a reggae flava to it. Please can someone help me out. it's killin me not knowin what it's called. thanx
> please e-mail me at
# 3 19 years ago

i wan't to know it too
> please e-mail me at
# 4 19 years ago

Hi there,
I was originally trying to find a christmas type song from what I thought was a telus commercial, but it was actually the bell mobility ad (i got the song by the way). In the process I found all the songs from the Telus commercials. To save myself some time, here is the link, you can watch all the ads, and the artist name and song name are listed right beside the video. Good luck and Merry Christmas.
# 5 19 years ago

> Hi there,
My Dad is going nuts for that Bell Mobility christmas song and I would love to know where you found it or even just the name and who sings it. That would be super. Thank you so much.
# 6 19 years ago

okay there's another telus commercial with a guy and a girl who're both wearing white dancing and playing with like orange balloons and there's a song in the background. anybody know what that song is?
# 7 19 years ago

> I've been tring to figure it out but I have no clue and would like to know too. E mail me at when you fine out.
# 8 19 years ago

the telus commercial with the christmas song..what is it called, and who is the artist
# 9 19 years ago

> > there is a new telus commercial with a lizard that tries to get the phone and then the pig comes and puts it paws on it. it would b great if some 1 could tell me wut song it is. thanx
> >
> > please e-mail me at
# 10 19 years ago

Did you ever figure out the name of the song on the commercial? I'm looking for it also. If you found it, can you let me know? Thanx
# 11 19 years ago

> there is a new telus commercial with a lizard that turns from blue to red and there is a song in it with the words, "do you see what i see," and it has a reggae flava to it. Please can someone help me out. it's killin me not knowin what it's called. thanx
> please e-mail me at
# 12 19 years ago

Looks like it was just something they did in the studio. (based a bit on the Christmas song "Do you hear what I hear" but with a Reggae flavour.)

Check it out here:
# 13 19 years ago

> > there is a new telus commercial with a lizard that turns from blue to red and there is a song in it with the words, "do you see what i see," and it has a reggae flava to it. Please can someone help me out. it's killin me not knowin what it's called. thanx
> >
> > please e-mail me at
# 14 18 years ago

I've got a new Telus question...what is the name of the song in the commercial where the two lizard "gangs" come face to face? Part of the song goes, "If you ever come, better give me what I want..." and it's rock genre.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!
# 15 18 years ago

Does anyone know that song from the new telus commercial. it has the hummingbirds that are all flying around
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