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citibank commercial

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# 1 19 years ago

i saw the commercial on 11-28.
no lyrics, just instrumental....does anyone know what song this is or what band? email me. thanks.
# 2 19 years ago

> i saw the commercial on 11-28.
> no lyrics, just instrumental....does anyone know what song this is or what band? email me. thanks.

So far I have seen one a few months ago featuring an instrumental by CamperVanBeethoven that was just an outtake called "Guardian Angels". It is included on their CamperVantiquities CD. Recently there is a new one with the Feelies song "Slow Down". I suspect that the person at the advertising agency is about 35-40 years old and was involved in college radio in the late 80s. Because I was and those two bands were amongst my favorites! What's next? Galaxie 500 on a citibank commercial?
# 3 19 years ago

> i saw the commercial on 11-28.
> no lyrics, just instrumental....does anyone know what song this is or what band? email me. thanks.

So far I have seen one a few months ago featuring an instrumental by CamperVanBeethoven that was just an outtake called "Guardian Angels". It is included on their CamperVantiquities CD. Recently there is a new one with the Feelies song "Slow Down". I suspect that the person at the advertising agency is about 35-40 years old and was involved in college radio in the late 80s. Because I was and those two bands were amongst my favorites! What's next? Galaxie 500 on a citibank commercial?
# 4 19 years ago

> i saw the commercial on 11-28.
> no lyrics, just instrumental....does anyone know what song this is or what band? email me. thanks.

Its the Feelies - one of the great unknown rock bands of the eighties...
# 5 19 years ago

I would like information on this also.

> i saw the commercial on 11-28.
> no lyrics, just instrumental....does anyone know what song this is or what band? email me. thanks.
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