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Who's the girl singing in the Chrysler PT Cruiser tv commercial?

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# 1 21 years ago

=^. .^=
...the one where there's a bunch of young people that bust out with a picnic when the two cruisers pull up side by side on the grass... and she's just sitting in the back of one. it's a nice smooth sounding groove =)
# 2 21 years ago

I was just looking it up and im pretty sure its Kelly Fisher of the band Fisher, but I don't know which track.

# 3 21 years ago

it goes like 'i'm gonna get there when i get there...' pretty good song but i can't find it anywhere by just typing in chrysler pt cruiser turbo.
someone else submitted this query: ...the one where there's a bunch of young people that bust out with a picnic when the two cruisers pull up side by side on the grass... and she's just sitting in the back of one. it's a nice smooth sounding groove =)

# 4 20 years ago

I am not too sure but I know in 2 commercials Diana Crawl is featured, she is a singer, possibly her.
# 5 19 years ago

> ...the one where there's a bunch of young people that bust out with a picnic when the two cruisers pull up side by side on the grass... and she's just sitting in the back of one. it's a nice smooth sounding groove =)

Her name is Melanie Durrant and she is on the Motown Record Label.
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