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Hey Hello Cell Phone Commercial

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# 1 21 years ago

I am looking for a song from a cell phone commercial...(I don't know the type pf phone), but there is a girl painting her appartment singing along...when her dad shiws up and slips a cell phone under the door....the words I can catch are 'Hey that your finally on your own'.......please someone tell me who sings is stuck in my head!!!!!!! Thanx.
# 2 21 years ago

I'm also looking for the song in that cell phone commercial. Tell me it's a real song and not a jingle. Please!!! Who does that song and what is the title?

# 3 21 years ago

I also am wondering. I'm going to search around a bit. I'll get back to you if I find it.
# 4 21 years ago

Haha, I've been looking for that song as well. Sorry I can't help you on that one, but I just saw the commercial again and hoped that someone came up with it.. guess not. =(
# 5 21 years ago

John Mayers sings it. but i cant seem to find it to download even through i know who sings it. hope this helps
# 6 21 years ago

Well dang you, I search yahoo to find this song, and all I get is you trying to find the same song fromthe same commercial !!!
# 7 21 years ago

> I am looking for a song from a cell phone commercial...(I don't know the type pf phone), but there is a girl painting her appartment singing along...when her dad shiws up and slips a cell phone under the door....the words I can catch are 'Hey that your finally on your own'.......please someone tell me who sings is stuck in my head!!!!!!! Thanx.
: -Jessie

hey, straight from AT&T, the song was made specially for the commecial and isn't even a real, long, song.. it sux, i was looking for it too =(
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