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NEW pepsi blue commercial song

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# 1 21 years ago

I'm not talking about sev - same old song...its the new commerical where they're racin cars or it by sev also? it kinda sounds like them. please e-mail me or post a follow-up
# 2 21 years ago

The guys driving the cars are the band members from Papa Roach so Im gonna assume the music being played is from them. Don't know the name of the song unfortunetly, hope this points you in th right direction.

# 3 21 years ago

> The guys driving the cars are the band members from Papa Roach so Im gonna assume the music being played is from them. Don't know the name of the song unfortunetly, hope this points you in th right direction.

No, it's not. The song is:
'Same Old Song' by Sev.

# 4 19 years ago

> I'm not talking about sev - same old song...its the new commerical where they're racin cars or it by sev also? it kinda sounds like them. please e-mail me or post a follow-up
> the new song is called time and time again and its by Papa Roach.
# 5 18 years ago

> I'm not talking about sev - same old song...its the new commerical where they're racin cars or it by sev also? it kinda sounds like them. please e-mail me or post a follow-up
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