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Hyundai Commercial song

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# 1 19 years ago

There is fairly new Hyundai commercial for a sedan (not sure which one) could be the Hyundai Accent though. I think the car in the commercial is red and the all the song's lyrics (at least in the commercial's version) is "da da da da da da da da" It's an older song, early 90's I think. Thanks for your help!
# 2 19 years ago

> There is fairly new Hyundai commercial for a sedan (not sure which one) could be the Hyundai Accent though. I think the car in the commercial is red and the all the song's lyrics (at least in the commercial's version) is "da da da da da da da da" It's an older song, early 90's I think. Thanks for your help!
# 3 19 years ago

> > There is fairly new Hyundai commercial for a sedan (not sure which one) could be the Hyundai Accent though. I think the car in the commercial is red and the all the song's lyrics (at least in the commercial's version) is "da da da da da da da da" It's an older song, early 90's I think. Thanks for your help!
>>> Ya i would love to knwo teh name of the song or artist...iv been trying to figure it out for a while now
# 4 19 years ago

the song is ....Tom's Diner By Susan VegA...Man did i have a tough time finding it...

> There is fairly new Hyundai commercial for a sedan (not sure which one) could be the Hyundai Accent though. I think the car in the commercial is red and the all the song's lyrics (at least in the commercial's version) is "da da da da da da da da" It's an older song, early 90's I think. Thanks for your help!
# 5 19 years ago

> There is fairly new Hyundai commercial for a sedan (not sure which one) could be the Hyundai Accent though. I think the car in the commercial is red and the all the song's lyrics (at least in the commercial's version) is "da da da da da da da da" It's an older song, early 90's I think. Thanks for your help!
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