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FREE 40 GB Photo iPod!!!

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# 1 19 years ago

Hello everyone,

Today (11/2/04) Gratis Internet (the same people who created added a new site to the list! Instead of getting a regular 20 GB iPod for free you can receive a 40 GB iPod PHOTO for FREE!! This is one of the best deals they have done so far for everyone who knows about Gratis. The same set-up only you need 10 people intead of 5 to sign up with your link. Basically you sign-up, complete an offer, and get 10 people to sign up using your referral link. If you want to sign up I would greatly appreciate if you would use my link:

Thank you! PM me or e-mail me: if you have any questions OR post them here! Thanks!


Save $500 or make a lot of money by selling it on eBay or to a friend!
# 2 19 years ago Check out this site for info on free photo ipods, a how to guide, and a brand new conga. Looks promising![URL[/URL]
# 3 19 years ago

> Hello everyone,
> Today (11/2/04) Gratis Internet (the same people who created added a new site to the list! Instead of getting a regular 20 GB iPod for free you can receive a 40 GB iPod PHOTO for FREE!! This is one of the best deals they have done so far for everyone who knows about Gratis. The same set-up only you need 10 people intead of 5 to sign up with your link. Basically you sign-up, complete an offer, and get 10 people to sign up using your referral link. If you want to sign up I would greatly appreciate if you would use my link:
> Thank you! PM me or e-mail me: if you have any questions OR post them here! Thanks!
> -TSSFan
> Save $500 or make a lot of money by selling it on eBay or to a friend!
# 4 19 years ago

I heard that conga line is good.

You should check out this one, it's much better:
# 5 19 years ago

> Hello everyone,
> Today (11/2/04) Gratis Internet (the same people who created added a new site to the list! Instead of getting a regular 20 GB iPod for free you can receive a 40 GB iPod PHOTO for FREE!! This is one of the best deals they have done so far for everyone who knows about Gratis. The same set-up only you need 10 people intead of 5 to sign up with your link. Basically you sign-up, complete an offer, and get 10 people to sign up using your referral link. If you want to sign up I would greatly appreciate if you would use my link:
> Thank you! PM me or e-mail me: if you have any questions OR post them here! Thanks!
> -TSSFan
> Save $500 or make a lot of money by selling it on eBay or to a friend!
# 6 19 years ago

Complete an offer under my name and get a Gmail invite, as well as an opportunity to get your own FREE Photo iPod!
# 7 19 years ago

> Hello everyone,
> Today (11/2/04) Gratis Internet (the same people who created added a new site to the list! Instead of getting a regular 20 GB iPod for free you can receive a 40 GB iPod PHOTO for FREE!! This is one of the best deals they have done so far for everyone who knows about Gratis. The same set-up only you need 10 people intead of 5 to sign up with your link. Basically you sign-up, complete an offer, and get 10 people to sign up using your referral link. If you want to sign up I would greatly appreciate if you would use my link:
> Thank you! PM me or e-mail me: if you have any questions OR post them here! Thanks!
> -TSSFan
> Save $500 or make a lot of money by selling it on eBay or to a friend!
# 8 19 years ago

> Hello everyone,
> Today (11/2/04) Gratis Internet (the same people who created added a new site to the list! Instead of getting a regular 20 GB iPod for free you can receive a 40 GB iPod PHOTO for FREE!! This is one of the best deals they have done so far for everyone who knows about Gratis. The same set-up only you need 10 people intead of 5 to sign up with your link. Basically you sign-up, complete an offer, and get 10 people to sign up using your referral link. If you want to sign up I would greatly appreciate if you would use my link:
> Thank you! PM me or e-mail me: if you have any questions OR post them here! Thanks!
> -TSSFan
> Save $500 or make a lot of money by selling it on eBay or to a friend!
# 9 19 years ago

> Hello everyone,
> Today (11/2/04) Gratis Internet (the same people who created added a new site to the list! Instead of getting a regular 20 GB iPod for free you can receive a 40 GB iPod PHOTO for FREE!! This is one of the best deals they have done so far for everyone who knows about Gratis. The same set-up only you need 10 people intead of 5 to sign up with your link. Basically you sign-up, complete an offer, and get 10 people to sign up using your referral link. If you want to sign up I would greatly appreciate if you would use my link:
> Thank you! PM me or e-mail me: if you have any questions OR post them here! Thanks!
> -TSSFan
> Save $500 or make a lot of money by selling it on eBay or to a friend!
# 10 19 years ago

> Hello everyone,
> Today (11/2/04) Gratis Internet (the same people who created added a new site to the list! Instead of getting a regular 20 GB iPod for free you can receive a 40 GB iPod PHOTO for FREE!! This is one of the best deals they have done so far for everyone who knows about Gratis. The same set-up only you need 10 people intead of 5 to sign up with your link. Basically you sign-up, complete an offer, and get 10 people to sign up using your referral link. If you want to sign up I would greatly appreciate if you would use my link:
> Thank you! PM me or e-mail me: if you have any questions OR post them here! Thanks!
> -TSSFan
> Save $500 or make a lot of money by selling it on eBay or to a friend!
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