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already have the song download jus lookin for artish and song name

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# 1 19 years ago

> I have this song that I happened to download under the wrong name several years ago. It randomly showed up and it's a great song, but I have failed to find the artist name or the song title. Itz a chicano rap dedication song. the lyrics goes like this:
mami can i be i wanna be ur papi chulo cant you see baby i need u conmigo ur style is my estilo baby come to me baby come to me her name is connie she lived in a spanish....
> Please let me know if you've heard of this song! Thanks! I really would appreciate it thankz once again
# 2 19 years ago

> > I have this song that I happened to download under the wrong name several years ago. It randomly showed up and it's a great song, but I have failed to find the artist name or the song title. Itz a chicano rap dedication song. the lyrics goes like this:
> mami can i be i wanna be ur papi chulo cant you see baby i need u conmigo ur style is my estilo baby come to me baby come to me her name is connie she lived in a spanish....
> > Please let me know if you've heard of this song! Thanks! I really would appreciate it thankz once again
# 3 19 years ago

> > I have this song that I happened to download under the wrong name several years ago. It randomly showed up and it's a great song, but I have failed to find the artist name or the song title. Itz a chicano rap dedication song. the lyrics goes like this:
> mami can i be i wanna be ur papi chulo cant you see baby i need u conmigo ur style is my estilo baby come to me baby come to me her name is connie she lived in a spanish....
> > Please let me know if you've heard of this song! Thanks! I really would appreciate it thankz once again
# 4 19 years ago

> > I have this song that I happened to download under the wrong name several years ago. It randomly showed up and it's a great song, but I have failed to find the artist name or the song title. Itz a chicano rap dedication song. the lyrics goes like this:
> mami can i be i wanna be ur papi chulo cant you see baby i need u conmigo ur style is my estilo baby come to me baby come to me her name is connie she lived in a spanish....
> > Please let me know if you've heard of this song! Thanks! I really would appreciate it thankz once again
# 5 19 years ago

> > I have this song that I happened to download under the wrong name several years ago. It randomly showed up and it's a great song, but I have failed to find the artist name or the song title. Itz a chicano rap dedication song. the lyrics goes like this:
> mami can i be i wanna be ur papi chulo cant you see baby i need u conmigo ur style is my estilo baby come to me baby come to me her name is connie she lived in a spanish....
> > Please let me know if you've heard of this song! Thanks! I really would appreciate it thankz once again
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