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Chevrolet commercial

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# 1 21 years ago

what is the song in the chevy commercial where the guy keeps hitting his brakes while the other guy tries to drink some coffee.
# 2 21 years ago

Paul Foley
The song is E.I. by Nelly
# 3 21 years ago

> what is the song in the chevy commercial where the guy keeps hitting his brakes while the other guy tries to drink some coffee.
I've been looking to find out what song that is too, if anybody figures it out pls email me let me know 'cause i prolly won't find this messageboard again.
# 4 21 years ago

The song is 'E.I.' by Nelly, off Country Grammar.
> what is the song in the chevy commercial where the guy keeps hitting his brakes while the other guy tries to drink some coffee.

# 5 21 years ago

The song is called E.I. by Nelly.

# 6 21 years ago

Can anyone please provide a link to this ad?
I can't find it anywhere online.
many thanks!
In case anyone is curious here's some links to other ads
Ming + FS commercial,,20700
# 7 21 years ago

Carl from NC
> what is the song in the chevy commercial where the guy keeps hitting his brakes while the other guy tries to drink some coffee.
The song is called 'E.I.' by Nelly :)

# 8 20 years ago

> what is the song in the chevy commercial where the guy keeps hitting his brakes while the other guy tries to drink some coffee.
what musical group is playing the old Steppenwolf song "Magic Carpet Ride" in your new radio spot? i'd really like to know. THNX
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