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Miss Universe Pageant - You Are My Star lyrics.

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# 31 16 years ago

> > Yeah, i've been looking for this song as well. The "You Are My Star" used to be sung by the Little Sisters during the evening gown competition on the Miss Universe Pageant up till the 1994 pageant. Actually it was sort of 2 songs in one, as halfway through the nightgown competition, they would start singing "When you wish upon a Star". I'm pretty sure that if the Miss Universe Organization ever released some sort of greatest moments CD or DVD collection it would pretty much be a hit. If anybody finds out anything on this song, it would be awesome.
# 32 16 years ago

anyone has mp3?
# 33 16 years ago

Hi! I have been searching for this song as well. I felt bad when I lost my recorded 1994 Miss Universe Pageant here in Manila as that is the only way I listen to that song. But, you know you can look at the videos posted at and you can watch all those evening gown competition from 1987 till 1994! Goodluck! Hope I helped you with this. Its good to know someone else loves that song like I do!
# 34 16 years ago

> Does any have any clips, lyrics, music of that song they played in the 80's & 90's during the evening gown competition. They had the 'Little Sisters' walking down the cat walk & then presenting each contestant with a flower? Please help!

I have taped the 1994 competion but eventually lost that tape and I felt bad! But you know what? Go to All the videos are posted there! Goodluck! Looks like we have both been searching for this song for a long time! The search ends here, I hope!
# 35 16 years ago

I have been looking for the lyrics and music of this song or songs. If anyone out there knows where I can get the music and lyrics please share the information. Thank you!
# 36 16 years ago

> If anyone has this...please let me know. I was a little sister
# 37 15 years ago

I love this song as well!And thanks for the lyrics which I have been looking for so so so a long time!
# 38 15 years ago Here is a clip I cant understand the 2nd part much, I think it says: You are my star I'm not alone, Now that I have one of my very own And even when the clouds appear and cover all the other stars (there are)* (*not sure) I look up to you and you shine through Because you are, because you are my star
# 39 15 years ago

If you're still interested in seeing a video of it:
# 40 15 years ago

HELLO !! Does anybody have pictures or videos of little sisters??? My GF was one of them...speceally pictures of Miss Hungary Zsanna Pardy...please help me guys !! let me know...
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