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Why do so many people not like hilary duff?

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# 1 19 years ago

Hilary duff is a talented, great, imaginative actor and singer. She does what all the celebrities do work, sing , act or something else. So shes beautiful and always happy. So people just because she might better then everyone cause shes famous doesn;t mean in real life shes not like a normal everyday person.
# 2 19 years ago

I'd do her!
# 3 19 years ago

> I'd do her!
i would too
# 4 19 years ago

dear hilary how are i am fine you are a cool popstar to me i have alote of your stuff of you my brother thinks i have to much but i dont think i do my brothers friends think you cant sing but they are wrong you can sing better than me but i am trying to get better and better at my school we have a talent show and i did singed a song by you called why not i was soo imberriset now i no how you feel when you had your first concert
# 5 17 years ago

> Hilary duff is a talented, great, imaginative actor and singer. She does what all the celebrities do work, sing , act or something else. So shes beautiful and always happy. So people just because she might better then everyone cause shes famous doesn;t mean in real life shes not like a normal everyday person.
> Thankyou
# 6 17 years ago

i personaly like hilary duff.all she needs is some new songs and she back on again.

# 7 17 years ago

So many people hate Hilary Duff cause she has naked pictures of herself on the enternet don't belive me go to www.bsnude.comand see for yourself!another reason is that she smokes cigerettes and pot and she drinks underaged!!
(All 7 messages )

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