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British music video - bumblebee and making a video

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# 1 21 years ago

In Feb. 2001 I was in Lugansk, Ukraine. While I was there I saw a music video on Biz TV that I have been looking for but have been unable to find. The video was about a group making a video ( a video about a video) but the video had a lot of problems sych as sets falling over and other production snafs. The only other think I can remember about that video and lyrics was that there was mention of a bumblebee.
Thank you in advance,
Louis J. Desy Jr.

# 2 21 years ago

Band is called Aqua, the song and video are called Bumblebee. While Aqua's music might not be the best, most original I've ever heard, all their videos have been pretty clever and entertaining (for a music video).
> In Feb. 2001 I was in Lugansk, Ukraine. While I was there I saw a music video on Biz TV that I have been looking for but have been unable to find. The video was about a group making a video ( a video about a video) but the video had a lot of problems sych as sets falling over and other production snafs. The only other think I can remember about that video and lyrics was that there was mention of a bumblebee.
> Thank you in advance,
: Louis J. Desy Jr.

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