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the song on the axe body spray commercial

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# 1 19 years ago

i am going nuts tryin to figure out what the song on the axe touch body spray commercial is. it goes something like electric shvers across my skin its like a fever and your my only medicine. if someone could help i would really appreciate it

# 2 19 years ago

> i am going nuts tryin to figure out what the song on the axe touch body spray commercial is. it goes something like electric shvers across my skin its like a fever and your my only medicine. if someone could help i would really appreciate it
> thx....

Not sure if this will help, try
# 3 19 years ago

The song is "Feeling the Love" by Reactor. Their debut album is due out soon, but is already available for download at their site,

> i am going nuts tryin to figure out what the song on the axe touch body spray commercial is. it goes something like electric shvers across my skin its like a fever and your my only medicine. if someone could help i would really appreciate it
> thx....
# 4 19 years ago

Reactor - Feeling The Love
# 5 19 years ago

> i am going nuts tryin to figure out what the song on the axe touch body spray commercial is. it goes something like electric shvers across my skin its like a fever and your my only medicine. if someone could help i would really appreciate it
> thx...

The group name is Reactor, songs is "Feeling the Love" Good song.
# 6 19 years ago

"Feeling the Love" by Reactor
# 7 19 years ago

> i am going nuts tryin to figure out what the song on the axe touch body spray commercial is. it goes something like electric shvers across my skin its like a fever and your my only medicine. if someone could help i would really appreciate it
> thx....
# 8 19 years ago

> i am going nuts tryin to figure out what the song on the axe touch body spray commercial is. it goes something like electric shvers across my skin its like a fever and your my only medicine. if someone could help i would really appreciate it
> thx....
# 9 19 years ago

i want to know the name of this song.....
# 10 19 years ago

Sam Wildman
Spent half an hour looking for it... Should have came here first! Most appreciative.

Samuel Wildman
# 11 19 years ago

The song you're looking for is called "Feeling The Love" by a group called Reactor. It's from their upcoming album "Emotional Pornography". You can check out the band's site here:

They also have the single (and the entire album) available for download. They're also taking preorders on the CD.
# 12 19 years ago

> > i am going nuts tryin to figure out what the song on the axe touch body spray commercial is. it goes something like electric shvers across my skin its like a fever and your my only medicine. if someone could help i would really appreciate it
> >
> > thx....
> ++++++++++++
> Not sure if this will help, try
# 13 19 years ago

The song is Feeling the Love and it is by a British band named Reactor. You can buy the single to the song on their website.

Just copy and paste, and the site talks about the single.
# 14 19 years ago

> i am going nuts tryin to figure out what the song on the axe touch body spray commercial is. it goes something like electric shvers across my skin its like a fever and your my only medicine. if someone could help i would really appreciate it
> thx....
# 15 19 years ago

it's called Touch by a band called Reactor...I don't think it was released in the was big ni parts of Europe for a while. are you in deutschland?

> i am going nuts tryin to figure out what the song on the axe touch body spray commercial is. it goes something like electric shvers across my skin its like a fever and your my only medicine. if someone could help i would really appreciate it
> thx....
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