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some car commercial song..HELP IM GOING NUTS

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# 1 19 years ago

its a silver car... theres 4 people theat get excited to go see it, theres a song playing in the background "da da da" its an old song.. then one guy opens a door and sticks his head in and is like "whoa" and it echos..i dont know anything else about the please
# 2 19 years ago

I think the song you're thinking of is by suzanne vega, and is called "tom's diner".
the version in the commercial is by DNA, featuring suzanne vega. :)
# 3 19 years ago

> its a silver car... theres 4 people theat get excited to go see it, theres a song playing in the background "da da da" its an old song.. then one guy opens a door and sticks his head in and is like "whoa" and it echos..i dont know anything else about the please
big f**ken whoop
# 4 19 years ago

Everybody Got Their Something, by
Nikki Costa.
# 5 19 years ago

I would also like to know the name to this song. I think we're thinking of the same commercial. The car in it is a Hyundai. Some kind of Sedan.
# 6 19 years ago

> its a silver car... theres 4 people theat get excited to go see it, theres a song playing in the background "da da da" its an old song.. then one guy opens a door and sticks his head in and is like "whoa" and it echos..i dont know anything else about the please
# 7 19 years ago

> its a silver car... theres 4 people theat get excited to go see it, theres a song playing in the background "da da da" its an old song.. then one guy opens a door and sticks his head in and is like "whoa" and it echos..i dont know anything else about the please

the song is called 88 Lines About 44 Women by The Nails. Great tune!!!
# 8 19 years ago

> its a silver car... theres 4 people theat get excited to go see it, theres a song playing in the background "da da da" its an old song.. then one guy opens a door and sticks his head in and is like "whoa" and it echos..i dont know anything else about the please

Sorry the song is called "Da Da Da" by Trio.
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