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Citibank Live Richly music

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# 1 19 years ago

Anybody know who plays the background music on the Citibank "Live Richly" ad that features a child on a swing? This is not the ukelele or piano music that others have asked about; this one has a rock track with prominent crunching guitar chords. It's very effective with the slow motion swing shot.
# 2 19 years ago

> Anybody know who plays the background music on the Citibank "Live Richly" ad that features a child on a swing? This is not the ukelele or piano music that others have asked about; this one has a rock track with prominent crunching guitar chords. It's very effective with the slow motion swing shot.
# 3 19 years ago

I believe it it "Raised Eyebrows" by the Feelies off their "Crazy Rhythms" album.

> Anybody know who plays the background music on the Citibank "Live Richly" ad that features a child on a swing? This is not the ukelele or piano music that others have asked about; this one has a rock track with prominent crunching guitar chords. It's very effective with the slow motion swing shot.
# 4 19 years ago

I believe it is "Raised Eyebrows" by the Feelies off their "Crazy Rhythms" album.

> Anybody know who plays the background music on the Citibank "Live Richly" ad that features a child on a swing? This is not the ukelele or piano music that others have asked about; this one has a rock track with prominent crunching guitar chords. It's very effective with the slow motion swing shot.
# 5 19 years ago

It is "Slow Down" by The Feelies from the Good Earth album (1986).

> Anybody know who plays the background music on the Citibank "Live Richly" ad that features a child on a swing? This is not the ukelele or piano music that others have asked about; this one has a rock track with prominent crunching guitar chords. It's very effective with the slow motion swing shot.
# 6 19 years ago

f**k, The feelies are in the game too.

I love this song. It is sacred to me. I also am glad that Glenn Mercer et al may have made some money. Surely that is all that would motivate them to do this?

Another one bites the dust.


> I believe it it "Raised Eyebrows" by the Feelies off their "Crazy Rhythms" album.
> Patrick
> > Anybody know who plays the background music on the Citibank "Live Richly" ad that features a child on a swing? This is not the ukelele or piano music that others have asked about; this one has a rock track with prominent crunching guitar chords. It's very effective with the slow motion swing shot.
# 7 19 years ago


Its slow down from the good earth. And i thought some things were sacred.

> I believe it is "Raised Eyebrows" by the Feelies off their "Crazy Rhythms" album.
> Patrick
> > Anybody know who plays the background music on the Citibank "Live Richly" ad that features a child on a swing? This is not the ukelele or piano music that others have asked about; this one has a rock track with prominent crunching guitar chords. It's very effective with the slow motion swing shot.
# 8 19 years ago


Its slow down from the good earth. And i thought some things were sacred.

> I believe it is "Raised Eyebrows" by the Feelies off their "Crazy Rhythms" album.
> Patrick
> > Anybody know who plays the background music on the Citibank "Live Richly" ad that features a child on a swing? This is not the ukelele or piano music that others have asked about; this one has a rock track with prominent crunching guitar chords. It's very effective with the slow motion swing shot.
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