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Hummer commercials techno fest music..

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# 1 19 years ago

Does any1 know-all of the Hummer comms use (slow,mid or FAST)techno...And all sound very similiar-ish...Are they in fact done by a single artist..?If so,who...?Does any1 know what some of the songs are,and by who...?

# 2 18 years ago

the current commercial whith the silver hummer driving on what looks like a mirror is a song called vermilion by the album leaf
# 3 19 years ago

check this out
hope it helps. i dont think it has all of 'em but some of them

> Does any1 know-all of the Hummer comms use (slow,mid or FAST)techno...And all sound very similiar-ish...Are they in fact done by a single artist..?If so,who...?Does any1 know what some of the songs are,and by who...?
> ST.
# 4 19 years ago

> Does any1 know-all of the Hummer comms use (slow,mid or FAST)techno...And all sound very similiar-ish...Are they in fact done by a single artist..?If so,who...?Does any1 know what some of the songs are,and by who...?
> ST.
# 5 18 years ago

> Does any1 know-all of the Hummer comms use (slow,mid or FAST)techno...And all sound very similiar-ish...Are they in fact done by a single artist..?If so,who...?Does any1 know what some of the songs are,and by who...?
> ST.

I *wish* I knew. Most of that stuff is *great*
# 6 18 years ago

random me
go to www, and watch thier 16 commercials
they say who plays in them
they don't have all of them there though
# 7 18 years ago

All I know is one of the spots, the more recent one uses the background from the main theme to 2001: A space odyssey I'm in the process of tracking down the tune as I write
# 8 18 years ago

try phish.
# 9 18 years ago

> All I know is one of the spots, the more recent one uses the background from the main theme to 2001: A space odyssey I'm in the process of tracking down the tune as I write
# 10 18 years ago

I know that one of the commercials has a song by Midwest Product. The song is titled "swamp"
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