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video where everyone is kissing

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# 1 19 years ago

theres a video i saw where everyone start kissing each other like one girl kiss this guy then this guy kiss other girl then this other girl kiss other guy etc... same thing all the video the only thing i remember is that the people are walking like in a street and theres some ppl playing chess in a bar or something with chairs on the street does any one know the artist name and the song?
# 2 19 years ago

> theres a video i saw where everyone start kissing each other like one girl kiss this guy then this guy kiss other girl then this other girl kiss other guy etc... same thing all the video the only thing i remember is that the people are walking like in a street and theres some ppl playing chess in a bar or something with chairs on the street does any one know the artist name and the song?
# 3 19 years ago

> theres a video i saw where everyone start kissing each other like one girl kiss this guy then this guy kiss other girl then this other girl kiss other guy etc... same thing all the video the only thing i remember is that the people are walking like in a street and theres some ppl playing chess in a bar or something with chairs on the street does any one know the artist name and the song?
# 4 19 years ago

> theres a video i saw where everyone start kissing each other like one girl kiss this guy then this guy kiss other girl then this other girl kiss other guy etc... same thing all the video the only thing i remember is that the people are walking like in a street and theres some ppl playing chess in a bar or something with chairs on the street does any one know the artist name and the song?
# 5 19 years ago

> theres a video i saw where everyone start kissing each other like one girl kiss this guy then this guy kiss other girl then this other girl kiss other guy etc... same thing all the video the only thing i remember is that the people are walking like in a street and theres some ppl playing chess in a bar or something with chairs on the street does any one know the artist name and the song?
# 6 19 years ago

> theres a video i saw where everyone start kissing each other like one girl kiss this guy then this guy kiss other girl then this other girl kiss other guy etc... same thing all the video the only thing i remember is that the people are walking like in a street and theres some ppl playing chess in a bar or something with chairs on the street does any one know the artist name and the song?
# 7 19 years ago

> theres a video i saw where everyone start kissing each other like one girl kiss this guy then this guy kiss other girl then this other girl kiss other guy etc... same thing all the video the only thing i remember is that the people are walking like in a street and theres some ppl playing chess in a bar or something with chairs on the street does any one know the artist name and the song?
# 8 19 years ago

> theres a video i saw where everyone start kissing each other like one girl kiss this guy then this guy kiss other girl then this other girl kiss other guy etc... same thing all the video the only thing i remember is that the people are walking like in a street and theres some ppl playing chess in a bar or something with chairs on the street does any one know the artist name and the song?
# 9 18 years ago

> > theres a video i saw where everyone start kissing each other like one girl kiss this guy then this guy kiss other girl then this other girl kiss other guy etc... same thing all the video the only thing i remember is that the people are walking like in a street and theres some ppl playing chess in a bar or something with chairs on the street does any one know the artist name and the song?
# 10 18 years ago

> > theres a video i saw where everyone start kissing each other like one girl kiss this guy then this guy kiss other girl then this other girl kiss other guy etc... same thing all the video the only thing i remember is that the people are walking like in a street and theres some ppl playing chess in a bar or something with chairs on the street does any one know the artist name and the song?
# 11 18 years ago

> theres a video i saw where everyone start kissing each other like one girl kiss this guy then this guy kiss other girl then this other girl kiss other guy etc... same thing all the video the only thing i remember is that the people are walking like in a street and theres some ppl playing chess in a bar or something with chairs on the street does any one know the artist name and the song?
# 12 18 years ago

> > theres a video i saw where everyone start kissing each other like one girl kiss this guy then this guy kiss other girl then this other girl kiss other guy etc... same thing all the video the only thing i remember is that the people are walking like in a street and theres some ppl playing chess in a bar or something with chairs on the street does any one know the artist name and the song?
# 13 18 years ago

> > > theres a video i saw where everyone start kissing each other like one girl kiss this guy then this guy kiss other girl then this other girl kiss other guy etc... same thing all the video the only thing i remember is that the people are walking like in a street and theres some ppl playing chess in a bar or something with chairs on the street does any one know the artist name and the song?
> >
# 14 18 years ago

> > > theres a video i saw where everyone start kissing each other like one girl kiss this guy then this guy kiss other girl then this other girl kiss other guy etc... same thing all the video the only thing i remember is that the people are walking like in a street and theres some ppl playing chess in a bar or something with chairs on the street does any one know the artist name and the song?
> >
# 15 18 years ago

> > > theres a video i saw where everyone start kissing each other like one girl kiss this guy then this guy kiss other girl then this other girl kiss other guy etc... same thing all the video the only thing i remember is that the people are walking like in a street and theres some ppl playing chess in a bar or something with chairs on the street does any one know the artist name and the song?
> >
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