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clipse video "when the last time"

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# 1 19 years ago

ive been wondering , what is the name of the girl in the clipse video "when the last time". she's the one that lip syncs the chorus and shes wearing a brown dress that i believe says "virginia" on the front if u know please email me at
# 2 19 years ago

> ive been wondering , what is the name of the girl in the clipse video "when the last time". she's the one that lip syncs the chorus and shes wearing a brown dress that i believe says "virginia" on the front if u know please email me at
# 3 19 years ago

did you ever find out what that girls name was? Can you let me know


> > ive been wondering , what is the name of the girl in the clipse video "when the last time". she's the one that lip syncs the chorus and shes wearing a brown dress that i believe says "virginia" on the front if u know please email me at
# 4 10 years ago

? marie lisa ana something, ?combination of 1 of them
# 5 10 years ago

hip hop black model lisa marie
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