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Found: Nissan 350z License plate commercial - Sort of

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# 1 21 years ago

E-mailed Nissan about it. According to them, the song is called 'Deja Vu' - not sure if it's an instrumental version of CSNY's song of the same name. Doesn't sounds like it to me, but who knows. Anyway, they told me the artist was Elias Art, which I determined is actually Elias Arts, a marketing company based out of NY that contracts people to do music and has some internal composers as well. I am trying to find out from them what the actual piece is.
# 2 21 years ago

> E-mailed Nissan about it. According to them, the song is called 'Deja Vu' - not sure if it's an instrumental version of CSNY's song of the same name. Doesn't sounds like it to me, but who knows. Anyway, they told me the artist was Elias Art, which I determined is actually Elias Arts, a marketing company based out of NY that contracts people to do music and has some internal composers as well. I am trying to find out from them what the actual piece is.
Did you ever find out who this is? It's so cool!

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