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HUMMER - H2 Song?????

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# 1 21 years ago

There is a girl driving a Hummer thru tha city. What is that song that plays in the background?
# 2 21 years ago

> There is a girl driving a Hummer thru tha city. What is that song that plays in the background?
That song is sung by Filter.
Filter- The only way (is the wrong way)
# 3 21 years ago

> : There is a girl driving a Hummer thru tha city. What is that song that plays in the background?
> That song is sung by Filter.
: Filter- The only way (is the wrong way)
> ;)
Actually-the first H2 commercial is the filter song--where there are 2 guys driving in the hummer. The ad w/ the girl driving through the city actually looking for that song--Anybody??

# 4 21 years ago

Yeah that song is Nothing is Wrong, by Kuhuna.

# 5 21 years ago

> :> There is a girl driving a Hummer thru tha city. What is that song that plays in the background?
>> That song is sung by Filter.
:> Filter- The only way (is the wrong way)
>> ;)
> Actually-the first H2 commercial is the filter song--where there are 2 guys driving in the hummer. The ad w/ the girl driving through the city actually looking for that song--Anybody??
Nothing Is Wrong By FC Kahuna
# 6 21 years ago

the song goes something like ring ching ching or something like that and i love it i wanna know wut it is!
# 7 21 years ago

: Actually-the first H2 commercial is the filter song--where there are 2 guys driving in the hummer. The ad w/ the girl driving through the city actually looking for that song--Anybody??
The song is:
FC Kahuna
Title: Nothing is Wrong
Album: Machine says Yes
Hope that helped ^_^

# 8 21 years ago

> :> There is a girl driving a Hummer thru tha city. What is that song that plays in the background?
>> That song is sung by Filter.
:> Filter- The only way (is the wrong way)
>> ;)
> Actually-the first H2 commercial is the filter song--where there are 2 guys driving in the hummer. The ad w/ the girl driving through the city actually looking for that song--Anybody??
The song is Nothing is Wrong. by FC Kahuna Doi!
# 9 21 years ago

the song is called 'nothing is wrong'
by FC Kahuna

# 10 21 years ago

> :> There is a girl driving a Hummer thru tha city. What is that song that plays in the background?
>> That song is sung by Filter.
:> Filter- The only way (is the wrong way)
>> ;)
> Actually-the first H2 commercial is the filter song--where there are 2 guys driving in the hummer. The ad w/ the girl driving through the city actually looking for that song--Anybody??
>:YES IM looking for that song too..i havnt found it yet

# 11 20 years ago

Wrong song! I bought the Filter CD with the song 'The Only Way (is the Wrong Way)' and it's not the song on the commercial at all. The song on the commercial is a synthesized instrumental without lyrics. There is no section of the Filter song mentioned above and below with the synthesized segment. I also listened to the entire CD, which isn't really that good (there's a wasted $14). The H2 song isn't on it, so don't buy it. Does anyone know the right song?
>> : There is a girl driving a Hummer thru tha city. What is that song that plays in the background?
>> That song is sung by Filter.
:> Filter- The only way (is the wrong way)
>> ;)
> Actually-the first H2 commercial is the filter song--where there are 2 guys driving in the hummer. The ad w/ the girl driving through the city actually looking for that song--Anybody??

# 12 20 years ago

> :> There is a girl driving a Hummer thru tha city. What is that song that plays in the background?
>> That song is sung by Filter.
:> Filter- The only way (is the wrong way)
>> ;)
> Actually-the first H2 commercial is the filter song--where there are 2 guys driving in the hummer. The ad w/ the girl driving through the city actually looking for that song--Anybody??
Artist: FC/Kahuna, Track: Nothing is Wrong, Album: Machine Says Yes,
Record label: City Rockers.

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