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molson canadian

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# 1 19 years ago

hi..every one know the molson canadian coldshot song "she got hungry eyes one"...if u know the artist or song name or plzzz let me know...thank u .....
# 2 19 years ago

> hi..every one know the molson canadian coldshot song "she got hungry eyes one"...if u know the artist or song name or plzzz let me know...thank u .....

I'm also looking for that song
# 3 19 years ago


that song is on the site

gota signup though.

It's by a guy from montreal called B.U. The Knowledgist, it's called Cold Shot.its by
# 4 19 years ago

i dont know it but if you find it plz let me know, i cant find it anywhere!!
# 5 19 years ago

> hi..every one know the molson canadian coldshot song "she got hungry eyes one"...if u know the artist or song name or plzzz let me know...thank u .....
# 6 19 years ago

I have been looking for the same thing for a while... I found in another forum, a reply that said the artist is B.U. The Knowledgist, and that the song is called "My Shot." I haven't been able to find the song anywhere, though, or anything on google about the artist. Best of luck. :)
# 7 19 years ago

It sounds like a song by an old dance band named Kon Kan, but i could be wrong. thats what it sounds like to me.

> hi..every one know the molson canadian coldshot song "she got hungry eyes one"...if u know the artist or song name or plzzz let me know...thank u .....
# 8 19 years ago

> hi..every one know the molson canadian coldshot song "she got hungry eyes one"...if u know the artist or song name or plzzz let me know...thank u .....
I have no idea what the name of the song is or who it is by but if you ever find out could you please email me asap. Thanks...
# 9 19 years ago

hello, in the new molson canadian commercial what is the dance song in the background??
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