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Already have song, just looking for artist name and song title

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# 16 19 years ago

> I have this song that I happened to download under the wrong name several years ago. It randomly showed up and it's a great song, but I have failed to find the artist name or the song title. Itz a chicano rap dedication song. the lyrics goes like this:
mami can i be i wanna be ur papi chulo cant you see baby i need u conmigo ur style is my estilo baby come to me baby come to me her name is connie she lived in a spanish....
> Please let me know if you've heard of this song! Thanks! I really would appreciate it thankz once again
# 17 19 years ago

> I have this song that I happened to download under the wrong name several years ago. It randomly showed up and it's a great song, but I have failed to find the artist name or the song title. Itz a chicano rap dedication song. the lyrics goes like this:
mami can i be i wanna be ur papi chulo cant you see baby i need u conmigo ur style is my estilo baby come to me baby come to me her name is connie she lived in a spanish....
> Please let me know if you've heard of this song! Thanks! I really would appreciate it thankz once again
# 18 19 years ago

There is this song i heard and my friend dedicated it to me and my boyfriend and im not quite sure what its called and it really bugs me because i can't get it. it goes like this: I wanna love you like ive never love you tonight, if its alright, i wanna tell you things ive never said in my life, im gonna hold u wen the sun refuses to shine, i wanna show u that il always be by your side, when you call my name and you need me there girl you know that i will be waiting for you, when you close your eyes and you see me there don't you know that i will be waiting, i wanna kiss you like ill never kiss you again, if its ok, i cant imagine oving any other this way, when u call my name.... you get it. it kinda talks for a while and sings more. i love the song and its number 16 on the plant pop 2001 cd but i dont know what it is!?!?!? if you've heard of it or you find it please let me know thanks!! -annie
# 19 19 years ago

> I have this song that I happened to download under the wrong name several years ago. It randomly showed up and it's a great song, but I have failed to find the artist name or the song title. It has some Jazz in it, and it is sung by a woman. The lyrics go something like:
> I'm gettin lo lo lonely,
> lonely on my way to your heart
> Deep down I know that it wasn't right with you,
> baby I don't know what to do.
> Time is passing by,
> Time has passed us by,
> Time is passing by,
> Time has passed us by.
> Please let me know if you've heard of this song! Thanks!

I think the song is "lonely" by spike. I'm not positive but pretty sure. If you would send me a copy of the song that would be great, I can't find one anywhere.
# 20 19 years ago

> I have this song that I happened to download under the wrong name several years ago. It randomly showed up and it's a great song, but I have failed to find the artist name or the song title. It has some Jazz in it, and it is sung by a woman. The lyrics go something like:
> I'm gettin lo lo lonely,
> lonely on my way to your heart
> Deep down I know that it wasn't right with you,
> baby I don't know what to do.
> Time is passing by,
> Time has passed us by,
> Time is passing by,
> Time has passed us by.
> Please let me know if you've heard of this song! Thanks!
# 21 19 years ago

Single 6 months yesterday
Thought I oughta celebrate
So I went down to grab a couple beers
I got so drunk I ripped my pants
I asked the bouncer for a dance
I thanked him as he threw me out
I woke up at a Waffle House
With a shiner and a wild brunette
She don’t know my real name yet
Well no I aint over you
But I’m doing my best
Every day and every night
Hanging on by a thread
That’s stretched just a little too tight
If I cant find some peace of mind
I’ll take what I can get
I aint doing much good
But I’m doing my best
I decided Id get smart
And have a long talk with my heart
At some quiet spot outside of town
So I took my best friends Pontiac
I drove it like a maniac
Right into the reservoir
I guess we aint best friends no more
Just my luck a cop came by
Who I beat up in junior high
He said I better have a good excuse
I said I’m doing my best

--If anyone knows what this song is called, could you please let me know..and if you know who sings it, that would be awesome too. Thanks!
# 22 18 years ago

Ive heard the song! i d/l it under the name Spike too! did you find out anything about it?
# 23 17 years ago

I have the song too! Yeah, when you dowload it, it could say its by James Marsters, Spike, or Ghost of the Robot, which it obviously isn't because Spike (James Marsters) is male.. and Ghost of the Robot is an all male band but its a female singer. The song is said to be called Lonely, but other than the copy of that song i have, i haven't even been able to proove the song exists!
# 24 17 years ago

I’m trying to find the artist of a particular song, I think the title’s “Doctor, Doctor”. Anyway some of the lyrics are “Doctor, Doctor gimme a cure I got a bad case of lovin’ blues”. Those might not be exactly right lyrics, but I’m sure you get the general idea.
# 25 17 years ago

I’m trying to find the artist of a particular song, I think the title’s “Doctor, Doctor”. Anyway some of the lyrics are “Doctor, Doctor gimme a cure I got a bad case of lovin’ blues”. Those might not be exactly right lyrics, but I’m sure you get the general idea.
# 26 17 years ago

i think it's sung by Natasha C. Coward
# 27 16 years ago

I did the same thing, and I love this song but can't find it anywhere. Have you found the artist and such yet?
# 28 16 years ago

the name of the song is Wishing on a star. Some of the lines go like : Im wishing on a star, wondering where you are, wishing on a dream,
# 29 16 years ago

> I have this song that I happened to download under the wrong name several years ago. It randomly showed up and it's a great song, but I have failed to find the artist name or the song title. It has some Jazz in it, and it is sung by a woman. The lyrics go something like:
> I'm gettin lo lo lonely,
> lonely on my way to your heart
> Deep down I know that it wasn't right with you,
> baby I don't know what to do.
> Time is passing by,
> Time has passed us by,
> Time is passing by,
> Time has passed us by.
> Please let me know if you've heard of this song! Thanks!

Hi there, I have been searching for that song for like years o I hope you wouldn't mind sending it to me? I still don't know the artist or the title, sorry...but I can't find it to download anywhere and it's driving me crazy! Would you mind sending it to me? or a link to it? I'll take anything at this point. Thanx if you can!
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