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Lincoln Mercury Commercial

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# 1 19 years ago

Does anyone know the name of the song played in the Lincoln Mercury commercial that aired recently. The commercial is themed "Behind The Door" or "See what's behind the door".

# 2 19 years ago

> Does anyone know the name of the song played in the Lincoln Mercury commercial that aired recently. The commercial is themed "Behind The Door" or "See what's behind the door".
> Thanks
# 3 19 years ago

> Does anyone know the name of the song played in the Lincoln Mercury commercial that aired recently. The commercial is themed "Behind The Door" or "See what's behind the door".
> Thanks
# 4 19 years ago

Hi Jerry,

I don't know if you found the music already or not, but since I've been looking for the same music, and just found out the info, I'm posting the reply here.

The singer is Paula Cole
the song name is "It's my life"

It seems like she made several versions of the song for Mercury, and I belive the one you are looking for is an acoustic mix version.

Hope you come back here for this or found one already!

> Does anyone know the name of the song played in the Lincoln Mercury commercial that aired recently. The commercial is themed "Behind The Door" or "See what's behind the door".
> Thanks
# 5 19 years ago

> Does anyone know the name of the song played in the Lincoln Mercury commercial that aired recently. The commercial is themed "Behind The Door" or "See what's behind the door".
> Thanks

The name of the song is "It's My Life" by Paula Cole. You can listen to it on however the quality is pretty poor.
# 6 19 years ago

Hey the name of the song is "get a Move on" by "mr scruff"
# 7 19 years ago

> Does anyone know the name of the song played in the Lincoln Mercury commercial that aired recently. The commercial is themed "Behind The Door" or "See what's behind the door".
> Thanks
# 8 19 years ago

> Does anyone know the name of the song played in the Lincoln Mercury commercial that aired recently. The commercial is themed "Behind The Door" or "See what's behind the door".
> Thanks
It's called 'Bird's lament' by Moondog et the london saxophonic....
# 9 19 years ago

> Does anyone know the name of the song played in the Lincoln Mercury commercial that aired recently. The commercial is themed "Behind The Door" or "See what's behind the door".
> Thanks
# 10 19 years ago

> Does anyone know the name of the song played in the Lincoln Mercury commercial that aired recently. The commercial is themed "Behind The Door" or "See what's behind the door".
> Thanks
# 11 19 years ago

> Does anyone know the name of the song played in the Lincoln Mercury commercial that aired recently. The commercial is themed "Behind The Door" or "See what's behind the door".
> Thanks

There have been at least two version of Get a Move On used in Lincoln Navigator commercials. The first and the best was Get a Move On [Mr. Scruff] [Real Audio] from Fila Brazillia's Another Late Night CD album. It had and has, just the right attitude to go along with the high-end Navigator. Awesome use of theme music!

# 12 19 years ago

> Does anyone know the name of the song played in the Lincoln Mercury commercial that aired recently. The commercial is themed "Behind The Door" or "See what's behind the door".
> Thanks
# 13 18 years ago

I wanted to know the same question as you want to know. Its Paula Cole. Lincoln Mercury has all the remixes at their website under the Montego car and the link 'Montego Extras' (search hard and long for it). Click on that, and then click on Music and then on Paula Cole. You'll then know where you are.
# 14 18 years ago

I'm looking for that song too. I heard it on the radio and they talked too fast but it sounded something like"gotta get my grove on" or "gotta keep my move on" by Mr. S?? snuffles?

It's a jazz song
# 15 18 years ago

Who is the new "HOT" model on the new commercials?
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