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Video/Song from the mid-1980's

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# 1 19 years ago

I can't remember the name of this song, and it has been driving me crazy. The video had this young girl going around with a sledgehammer (if i remember correctly) and the song was a funky, odd-rhythmed song. Lots of drums, i think. I'm pretty sure she also had a chain-saw or a circular-saw, and the sound from the saw was timed to coincide with the music from the song, or perhaps the song actually used the sound from the saw. I think also the girl was running around in a car junk yard, smashing the old cars. This would've been around the same time as Max Headroom (if that helps jog anyone's memory). Anyway, it was a totally cool song, i really liked it, but i just can't remember it. If anyone knows what i'm talking about i would LOVE to know the title.
# 2 19 years ago

The group you are looking for was the "Art Of Noise" and the song is called "Close To The Edit"...

Excellent description, btw, I got it spot on.

# 3 19 years ago

> The group you are looking for was the "Art Of Noise" and the song is called "Close To The Edit"...
> Excellent description, btw, I got it spot on.
> Rick
Thank you so much!!! It has been driving me crazy, and i could see it, hear it, the whole thing, just couldn't remember the name or artist. Thanks for your help, i can now sleep again!
# 4 19 years ago

> I can't remember the name of this song, and it has been driving me crazy. The video had this young girl going around with a sledgehammer (if i remember correctly) and the song was a funky, odd-rhythmed song. Lots of drums, i think. I'm pretty sure she also had a chain-saw or a circular-saw, and the sound from the saw was timed to coincide with the music from the song, or perhaps the song actually used the sound from the saw. I think also the girl was running around in a car junk yard, smashing the old cars. This would've been around the same time as Max Headroom (if that helps jog anyone's memory). Anyway, it was a totally cool song, i really liked it, but i just can't remember it. If anyone knows what i'm talking about i would LOVE to know the title.
# 5 19 years ago

hi there i have had this d**n video in my head for months now and no one can seem to tell me wht it has a guy singer...and its a hole bunch of different women models singing...but the one thing i know most about it is one girl sets a leather jacket on fire i think his name has michael in!!
# 6 18 years ago

The song is the Theme frome Peter Gunn by The Art of Noise.
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