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The Mitsubishi Commercial Song *HELPPPP!!!*!

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# 1 21 years ago

Not the Dirty vegas song, it goes like:
Just (breath or be)
Just with me
It's kind of a techno song, I will apreciate any info on the song, even a correction on the lyrics, thanx!
# 2 21 years ago

i too miself was looking for it
# 3 21 years ago

use your scroll bar, go down a few posts and try reading the page. it's listed a half/dozen times lazy-a-s-s.
> Not the Dirty vegas song, it goes like:
> Just (breath or be)
: Just with me
> It's kind of a techno song, I will apreciate any info on the song, even a correction on the lyrics, thanx!

# 4 21 years ago

Please email me when you find the name and artist of the song. I am looking for the info as well.

# 5 21 years ago

Great song, isn't it? Here's the original video of Telepopmusik's 'Breathe.'
# 6 21 years ago

Think it is Telepopmusik - Just Breath
# 7 21 years ago

> Not the Dirty vegas song, it goes like:
> Just (breath or be)
: Just with me
> It's kind of a techno song, I will apreciate any info on the song, even a correction on the lyrics, thanx!
The ad for the new Mitsubishi Outlander began airing Oct. 14 in the U.S. and features handsome Toronto-based actor Gary Archibald driving through life (around the streets of Toronto, and co-incidentally right by Honest Ed's Warehouse which is right by my house, but anyway) in his brand new SUV to the sounds of French techno group Telepopmusik's song 'Breathe.'

# 8 21 years ago

Here it is...Telepopmusik - just breathe
Have fun, YO!!!

# 9 21 years ago

The name of the song is Breath and you can get to it and the group at
hope this helps,
> Not the Dirty vegas song, it goes like:
> Just (breath or be)
: Just with me
> It's kind of a techno song, I will apreciate any info on the song, even a correction on the lyrics, thanx!

# 10 20 years ago
# 11 20 years ago

The song is:'Breathe' on the album 'Genetic World' by Telepopmusik. Track 1.

Not the Dirty vegas song, it goes like:
> Just (breath or be)
: Just with me
> It's kind of a techno song, I will apreciate any info on the song, even a correction on the lyrics, thanx!

# 12 20 years ago

i want to know too
> Not the Dirty vegas song, it goes like:
> Just (breath or be)
: Just with me
> It's kind of a techno song, I will apreciate any info on the song, even a correction on the lyrics, thanx!

# 13 20 years ago

that song you're looking for with the line "just breath" is actually called "Breath" and its by a group called Telepopmusik. i downlaoded it myself, its a great relaxing track.
# 14 20 years ago

> use your scroll bar, go down a few posts and try reading the page. it's listed a half/dozen times lazy-a-s-s.
> > Not the Dirty vegas song, it goes like:
> > Just (breath or be)
> : Just with me
> > It's kind of a techno song, I will apreciate any info on the song, even a correction on the lyrics, thanx!
> I'm also looking for the name of a mitsubishi commercial song but the one with the suv. BUT, searching for my song on the internet i found the song you are looking for its called breathe by telepopmusik
# 15 19 years ago

BAND: Telepopmusik SONG: Breath
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