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lyrics of now that i have you by eric santos

(Messages 1 to 15 of 185 (Page 1 of 13) ) Next 15 messages >> Post Reply
# 1 19 years ago

post the lyrics pls.........
# 2 19 years ago

> post the lyrics pls.........
# 3 19 years ago

> post the lyrics pls.........
> now that i have you1

# 4 19 years ago

> post the lyrics pls.........
# 5 19 years ago

> post the lyrics pls.........
# 6 19 years ago

> > post the lyrics pls.........
> >
# 7 19 years ago

> > post the lyrics pls.........
> > now that i have you1
# 8 19 years ago

> > post the lyrics pls.........
> > now that i have you1

All my life it seemed
That something had been missing
I didn't know what to do
Days would pass me by
Each as lonely as the other
Until I met you

You opened the door
And let the sunshine in
My life will never be the same again

Now that I have you
Everything just seems so right
Now that I have you I'm alive
You are the song that I'll be
Singing my whole life through
I'm living in a brighter world
Now that I have you

Looking ahead I see
The two of us together
I'll never let you go
You're so dear to me
And it isn't any wonder
Why I love you so

You opened the door
And let the sunshine in
My life will never be the same again

Now that I have you
Everything just seems so right
Now that I have you I'm alive
You are the song that I'll be
Singing my whole life through
I'm living in a brighter world
Now that I have you

I feel this love is real
I see it in your eyes
You take my hand and I understand
You are mine
You are mine

Now that I have you
Everything just seems so right
Now that I have you I'm alive
You are the song that I'll be
Singing my whole life through
I'm living in a brighter world
Now that I have you
# 9 19 years ago

> > post the lyrics pls.........
> > now that i have you1
# 10 19 years ago

oh, ito na ang lyrics

All of my life it seemed
That something had been missing
I didn't know what to do
Days would pass me by
Each as lonely as the other
Until I met you
You opened the door
And let the sunshine in
My life will never be the same again

Now that I have you
Everything just seems so right
Now that I have you I'm alive
You are the song that I'll be
Singing my whole life through
I'm living in a brighter world
Now that I have you

Looking ahead I see
The two of us together
I'll never let you go
You're so dear to me
And it isn't any wonder
Why I love you so
You opened the door
And let the sunshine in
My life will never be the same again

[Sheryn & Erik]
Now that I have you
Everything just seems so right
Now that I have you I'm alive
You are the song that I'll be
Singing my whole life through
I'm living in a brighter world
Now that I have you

I feel this love is real
I see it in your eyes
You take my hand and I understand
You are mine
You are mine

Now that I have you
Everything just seems so right
Now that I have you I'm alive
You are the song that I'll be
Singing my whole life through
I'm living in a brighter world
Now that I have you

I'm living in a brighter world
Now that I have you

# 11 19 years ago

oh, ito na ang lyrics

All of my life it seemed
That something had been missing
I didn't know what to do
Days would pass me by
Each as lonely as the other
Until I met you
You opened the door
And let the sunshine in
My life will never be the same again

Now that I have you
Everything just seems so right
Now that I have you I'm alive
You are the song that I'll be
Singing my whole life through
I'm living in a brighter world
Now that I have you

Looking ahead I see
The two of us together
I'll never let you go
You're so dear to me
And it isn't any wonder
Why I love you so
You opened the door
And let the sunshine in
My life will never be the same again

[Sheryn & Erik]
Now that I have you
Everything just seems so right
Now that I have you I'm alive
You are the song that I'll be
Singing my whole life through
I'm living in a brighter world
Now that I have you

I feel this love is real
I see it in your eyes
You take my hand and I understand
You are mine
You are mine

Now that I have you
Everything just seems so right
Now that I have you I'm alive
You are the song that I'll be
Singing my whole life through
I'm living in a brighter world
Now that I have you

I'm living in a brighter world
Now that I have you

# 12 19 years ago

> post the lyrics pls.........
# 13 19 years ago

> > post the lyrics pls.........
> >
# 14 19 years ago

> > post the lyrics pls.........
> >
# 15 19 years ago

> > post the lyrics pls.........
> >
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