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white chicks rap song

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# 1 19 years ago

they arew singing a song after the gierl sing one called thousand miles that the guys did'nt know very well lol then a rap song came does anyone know the name from the one from the commercial?
# 2 19 years ago

> they arew singing a song after the gierl sing >one called thousand miles that the guys did'nt >know very well lol then a rap song came does >anyone know the name from the one from the >commercial?

tnx for the name of the first song ^^

the rap song called "My nigga - biggi ft. 50 cent.
# 3 19 years ago

> > they arew singing a song after the gierl sing >one called thousand miles that the guys did'nt >know very well lol then a rap song came does >anyone know the name from the one from the >commercial?
> tnx for the name of the first song ^^
> the rap song called "My nigga - biggi ft. 50 cent.
# 4 19 years ago

The song in white chicks is GET LOW by the east side boys !
have fun with that
# 5 19 years ago

> > they arew singing a song after the gierl sing >one called thousand miles that the guys did'nt >know very well lol then a rap song came does >anyone know the name from the one from the >commercial?
> tnx for the name of the first song ^^
> the rap song called "My nigga - biggi ft. 50 cent.
# 6 19 years ago

> > they arew singing a song after the gierl sing >one called thousand miles that the guys did'nt >know very well lol then a rap song came does >anyone know the name from the one from the >commercial?
> tnx for the name of the first song ^^
> the rap song called "My nigga - biggi ft. 50 cent.
# 7 19 years ago

> > they arew singing a song after the gierl sing >one called thousand miles that the guys did'nt >know very well lol then a rap song came does >anyone know the name from the one from the >commercial?
> tnx for the name of the first song ^^
> the rap song called "My nigga - biggi ft. 50 cent.
# 8 19 years ago

> they arew singing a song after the gierl sing one called thousand miles that the guys did'nt know very well lol then a rap song came does anyone know the name from the one from the commercial?
# 9 19 years ago

> > they arew singing a song after the gierl sing >one called thousand miles that the guys did'nt >know very well lol then a rap song came does >anyone know the name from the one from the >commercial?
> tnx for the name of the first song ^^
> the rap song called "My nigga - biggi ft. 50 cent.
# 10 18 years ago

> they arew singing a song after the gierl sing one called thousand miles that the guys did'nt know very well lol then a rap song came does anyone know the name from the one from the commercial?
# 11 19 years ago

> they arew singing a song after the gierl sing one called thousand miles that the guys did'nt know very well lol then a rap song came does anyone know the name from the one from the commercial?
# 12 19 years ago

The song is called "Realest Niggas" by notorious big and 50 cent if i'm not mistaken. It's also on the Bad Boys 2 soundtrack.
# 13 19 years ago

> they arew singing a song after the gierl sing one called thousand miles that the guys did'nt know very well lol then a rap song came does anyone know the name from the one from the commercial?
# 14 19 years ago

What were the names of the three songs playing while everyone was at the know the ones the they competed to and the other ones playing in the backround
# 15 19 years ago

Hi just wondering what is the song they play in the trailer? it is different to that was played in the movie?

Can someone help me with this one!?

> > they arew singing a song after the gierl sing >one called thousand miles that the guys did'nt >know very well lol then a rap song came does >anyone know the name from the one from the >commercial?
> tnx for the name of the first song ^^
> the rap song called "My nigga - biggi ft. 50 cent.
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