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Who did the SECOND part of the Robbery Homicide Division theme

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# 1 21 years ago

We've gotten the 1st part, does anyone know who does the second part of the theme. I'm thinking it's different from the first.
# 2 21 years ago

I still think it's Deltron 3030 - but check out the instrumental version of '3030' - the ending is identical.

# 3 21 years ago

El Gray
> I still think it's Deltron 3030 - but check out the instrumental version of '3030' - the ending is identical.
'3030' is the only thing I've heard used to start off 'RHD'... and yes, the song has some very diverse textures in it... hiphop and some cool orchestral score... it's a GREAT track and a very cool album (Deltron 3030).
# 4 21 years ago

> : I still think it's Deltron 3030 - but check out the instrumental version of '3030' - the ending is identical.
> '3030' is the only thing I've heard used to start off 'RHD'... and yes, the song has some very diverse textures in it... hiphop and some cool orchestral score... it's a GREAT track and a very cool album (Deltron 3030).
Yeah, it's all definitely part of 3030, an instrumental by Deltron 3030, it's just edited, of course. Fantastic piece of music, well worth tracking down (hooray Kazaa!)

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