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raja mushtaq peugeot 206 sculpture song!!!!

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# 1 21 years ago

does anybody know where i can download the raja mushtaq song, this is the tune which is played in the peugeot 206 sculpture clip.
i searched everywhere but i can't find the damn song in.
i really want to have it so if you can help me it would be greatly appreciated.
thnx dimster
# 2 21 years ago

flikker op joh sukkel... wat denk je nou!
# 3 21 years ago

dude, just look for the song on kazaa... took me five minutes to find + down it, and I didnt even know the name of the song. all I had to look for was peugeot 206 and voila!
email me if ya cant find it

: does anybody know where i can download the raja mushtaq song, this is the tune which is played in the peugeot 206 sculpture clip.
> i searched everywhere but i can't find the damn song in.
> i really want to have it so if you can help me it would be greatly appreciated.
> thnx dimster

# 4 21 years ago

wel mate i duno how'v u posesed da tune-as it dont Xist! anywhere! if u R referin 2 a trak as such-wel i duno if U'v heard it or not-but its botched! sum1'jus reapeted & edited the orginal 15 secon sample 2 duno how long! if U av the original-den please let no-as i wood alot of people!
Regards ~Sanju~
# 5 21 years ago
or download a version off kazaa, although it appears the above is a 12' mix u cant get anymore and i myself cannot find the full version anywhere- any luck then let us know!!!

: does anybody know where i can download the raja mushtaq song, this is the tune which is played in the peugeot 206 sculpture clip.
> i searched everywhere but i can't find the damn song in.
> i really want to have it so if you can help me it would be greatly appreciated.
> thnx dimster

# 6 21 years ago

> dude, just look for the song on kazaa... took me five minutes to find + down it, and I didnt even know the name of the song. all I had to look for was peugeot 206 and voila!
> email me if ya cant find it
:> does anybody know where i can download the raja mushtaq song, this is the tune which is played in the peugeot 206 sculpture clip.
>> i searched everywhere but i can't find the damn song in.
>> i really want to have it so if you can help me it would be greatly appreciated.
>> thnx dimster

# 7 21 years ago

I did just that to get the abovementioned song. One problem: the version isn't as 'dancing' as the version of the advert. Please tell me if you have any tip to get the exact title used on the peugeot ad.

> dude, just look for the song on kazaa... took me five minutes to find + down it, and I didnt even know the name of the song. all I had to look for was peugeot 206 and voila!
> email me if ya cant find it
:> does anybody know where i can download the raja mushtaq song, this is the tune which is played in the peugeot 206 sculpture clip.
>> i searched everywhere but i can't find the damn song in.
>> i really want to have it so if you can help me it would be greatly appreciated.
>> thnx dimster

# 8 21 years ago

> does anybody know where i can download the raja mushtaq song, this is the tune which is played in the peugeot 206 sculpture clip.
> i searched everywhere but i can't find the damn song in.
> i really want to have it so if you can help me it would be greatly appreciated.
> thnx dimster

# 9 21 years ago

> dude, just look for the song on kazaa... took me five minutes to find + down it, and I didnt even know the name of the song. all I had to look for was peugeot 206 and voila!
> email me if ya cant find it
:> does anybody know where i can download the raja mushtaq song, this is the tune which is played in the peugeot 206 sculpture clip.
>> i searched everywhere but i can't find the damn song in.
>> i really want to have it so if you can help me it would be greatly appreciated.
>> thnx dimster

# 10 21 years ago

> u can listen to a sample thru this link:
> or download a version off kazaa, although it appears the above is a 12' mix u cant get anymore and i myself cannot find the full version anywhere- any luck then let us know!!!
> M
:> does anybody know where i can download the raja mushtaq song, this is the tune which is played in the peugeot 206 sculpture clip.
>> i searched everywhere but i can't find the damn song in.
>> i really want to have it so if you can help me it would be greatly appreciated.
>> thnx dimster

# 11 21 years ago

> u can listen to a sample thru this link:
: M
:> does anybody know where i can download the raja mushtaq song, this is the tune which is played in the peugeot 206 sculpture clip.
>> i searched everywhere but i can't find the damn song in.
>> i really want to have it so if you can help me it would be greatly appreciated.
>> thnx dimster

# 12 21 years ago

> dude, just look for the song on kazaa... took me five minutes to find + down it, and I didnt even know the name of the song. all I had to look for was peugeot 206 and voila!
> email me if ya cant find it
:> does anybody know where i can download the raja mushtaq song, this is the tune which is played in the peugeot 206 sculpture clip.
>> i searched everywhere but i can't find the damn song in.
>> i really want to have it so if you can help me it would be greatly appreciated.
>> thnx dimster

# 13 21 years ago
(The advert itself) Mushtaq.mp3
(MP3 @ 192K)

# 14 21 years ago

> does anybody know where i can download the raja mushtaq song, this is the tune which is played in the peugeot 206 sculpture clip.
> i searched everywhere but i can't find the damn song in.
> i really want to have it so if you can help me it would be greatly appreciated.
> thnx dimster

# 15 21 years ago

i would realy like to knw the real title of the orginal mix of raja mushtaq of this song please send me a title if you know the original remix....the one with the billie jean beat
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