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I think its the HP printer commercial

(Messages 16 to 28 of 28 (Page 2 of 2) ) << Last 15 messages Post Reply
# 16 19 years ago

No, the song is called "picture book" by the Kinks.
# 17 19 years ago

lol yeah.. it is.. I love the jingle to that commercial!
# 18 19 years ago

> Its a commercial with a guy placing frames in front of his face while hes at his desk, and the frames turn into his face like its taking a picture. Then he will put them around his neck and as hes taking them off, its like its taking a picture onto the fram he just had around his neck
> What's the name of the song that goes with this commercial?
# 19 19 years ago

I don't know what the question was but I love that commercial. Does anybody know the name of the song in the background?


> Its a commercial with a guy placing frames in front of his face while hes at his desk, and the frames turn into his face like its taking a picture. Then he will put them around his neck and as hes taking them off, its like its taking a picture onto the fram he just had around his neck
# 20 19 years ago

> Its a commercial with a guy placing frames in front of his face while hes at his desk, and the frames turn into his face like its taking a picture. Then he will put them around his neck and as hes taking them off, its like its taking a picture onto the fram he just had around his neck
# 21 19 years ago

The song on the HP Printer Commercial is "Picture Book" by the Kinks.
# 22 18 years ago

Who is the artist who sings the song in this commercial?
> Its a commercial with a guy placing frames in front of his face while hes at his desk, and the frames turn into his face like its taking a picture. Then he will put them around his neck and as hes taking them off, its like its taking a picture onto the fram he just had around his neck
# 23 17 years ago

I would love to know the name of the song too. It sounds like it may be from the 40s or 50s. I'd really love to hear the whole thing.

> Who is the artist who sings the song in this commercial?
> > Its a commercial with a guy placing frames in front of his face while hes at his desk, and the frames turn into his face like its taking a picture. Then he will put them around his neck and as hes taking them off, its like its taking a picture onto the fram he just had around his neck
> >
# 24 17 years ago

It was The Kinks "Picture Book"

> Who is the artist who sings the song in this commercial?
> > Its a commercial with a guy placing frames in front of his face while hes at his desk, and the frames turn into his face like its taking a picture. Then he will put them around his neck and as hes taking them off, its like its taking a picture onto the fram he just had around his neck
> >
# 25 18 years ago

the song "Picture Book" by Ray Davies and the Kinks plays in the background.

Who is the guy in the commercial?

> Who is the artist who sings the song in this commercial?
> > Its a commercial with a guy placing frames in front of his face while hes at his desk, and the frames turn into his face like its taking a picture. Then he will put them around his neck and as hes taking them off, its like its taking a picture onto the fram he just had around his neck
> >
# 26 18 years ago

The Robins... 1950s...."out of the picture"...
# 27 18 years ago

> I would love to know the name of the song too. It sounds like it may be from the 40s or 50s. I'd really love to hear the whole thing.
> > Who is the artist who sings the song in this commercial?
> > > Its a commercial with a guy placing frames in front of his face while hes at his desk, and the frames turn into his face like its taking a picture. Then he will put them around his neck and as hes taking them off, its like its taking a picture onto the fram he just had around his neck
> > >
> >
# 28 18 years ago

> Who is the artist who sings the song in this commercial?
> > Its a commercial with a guy placing frames in front of his face while hes at his desk, and the frames turn into his face like its taking a picture. Then he will put them around his neck and as hes taking them off, its like its taking a picture onto the fram he just had around his neck
> >
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