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GMC James Garner poem

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# 1 21 years ago

Anyone know the title and author of the poem containing the words...'wherever you go, there you are?'
# 2 21 years ago

> Anyone know the title and author of the poem containing the words...
'wherever you go, there you are?'
it's actually 'wherever you're going, you're already there'
...and I'm looking for the auther as well.
Many public libraries have a resource called Grangers index to poetry
that can be searched by first or last line
...and whenever I get there I'll let you know
# 3 21 years ago

There's a place that I travel
When I want to roam
And nobody knows it but me.
The roads don't go there
And the signs stay home
And nobody knows it but me.
It's far far away
And way way afar
It's over the moon and the sea
And whenever you're going
that's wherever you are
And nobody knows it but me.

# 4 21 years ago

Thank U!!!!!

# 5 21 years ago

Thank you. I've been looking through Robert Louis Stevenson poems. I was sure it was one of his. It was driving me crazy.
# 6 21 years ago

> : Anyone know the title and author of the poem containing the words...'wherever you go, there you are?'
> The poem in the Chevrolet Tahoe commercial is called 'Nobody Knows It But Me' written by Patrick O'Leary with the voice-over by James Garner. The words of the poem are as follows:
> There's a place that I travel
: When I want to roam
: And nobody knows it but me.
> The roads don't go there
: And the signs stay home
: And nobody knows it but me.
> It's far far away
: And way way afar
: It's over the moon and the sea
: And whenever you're going
: that's wherever you are
: And nobody knows it but me.
>> Anyone know where to find a wav file or recording of the James Garner voiceover?

# 7 21 years ago

Anyone know where i could find a copy of the poem 'noboby knows it but me' with the voice over by James Garner. I would like some of my friends to hear it. Has he recorded it somewhere or can I listen to it on the internet somewhere? James Garner's voice is what makes the poem so wonderful.
# 8 21 years ago

Patrick should be a poet instead of workin for GMC. That poem is BEAUTIFUL. Kinda gives the sense of a child. There is such innocence in those words
# 9 21 years ago

Mary Fulmer
> : Anyone know the title and author of the poem containing the words...'wherever you go, there you are?'
> The poem in the Chevrolet Tahoe commercial is called 'Nobody Knows It But Me' written by Patrick O'Leary with the voice-over by James Garner. The words of the poem are as follows:
> There's a place that I travel
: When I want to roam
: And nobody knows it but me.
> The roads don't go there
: And the signs stay home
: And nobody knows it but me.
> It's far far away
: And way way afar
: It's over the moon and the sea
: And whenever you're going
: that's wherever you are
: And nobody knows it but me.

# 10 21 years ago

> : Anyone know the title and author of the poem containing the words...'wherever you go, there you are?'
> The poem in the Chevrolet Tahoe commercial is called 'Nobody Knows It But Me' written by Patrick O'Leary with the voice-over by James Garner. The words of the poem are as follows:
> There's a place that I travel
: When I want to roam
: And nobody knows it but me.
> The roads don't go there
: And the signs stay home
: And nobody knows it but me.
> It's far far away
: And way way afar
: It's over the moon and the sea
: And whenever you're going
: that's wherever you are
: And nobody knows it but me.

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