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Who did the first part of the Robbery Homicide Division theme?

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# 1 21 years ago

Can you give me any info (artist, title, ect) on the first part of the Robbery Homicide Division theme?
# 2 21 years ago

Read posts below
> Can you give me any info (artist, title, ect) on the first part of the Robbery Homicide Division theme?
> Thanx,
: Obie

# 3 21 years ago

Artist Name:Deltron 3030
Album Name:Seltron 3030
Title: 3030
They also have instrumental version of this album called 'Tron 3030'
# 4 21 years ago

> Artist Name:Deltron 3030
: Album Name:Deltron 3030
: Title: 3030
> They also have instrumental version of this album called 'Tron 3030'

# 5 21 years ago

> Can you give me any info (artist, title, ect) on the first part of the Robbery Homicide Division theme?
> Thanx,
: Obie
Looking for that myself. The opening theme song ... correct?
# 6 21 years ago

Hey Obie,
I have a great time hanging on the set of R.H.D. and working and Michael Mann is a genious wnen it comes to selecting music, I don't know if you have heard the whole trailer but it is off the hook. Now I am not sure who produced the beats but it is the one and only Del the Funky Homosapien of the oldschool hieroglychics crew and and has since done work with the Gorillaz that rhymes on it. That track is amazing and actually would like to know myself. I will ask first thing tommorow and get back with you. If you are a fan of true hiphop you will love this whole song. Stay tuned to other episodes if you are a fan of music in general thanks to MR.Mann, and Tom Sizemore has some very interesting ideas or should I say done deals ahead with some incredible artists for some up and coming shows. So keep on watching you will be very suprised where this show is going to take you,it is definetly one of a kind.
: Can you give m any info (artist, title, ect) on the first part of the Robbery Homicide Division theme?
> Thanx,
: Obie

# 7 21 years ago

> : Can you give me any info (artist, title, ect) on the first part of the Robbery Homicide Division theme?
>> Thanx,
:> Obie
> Looking for that myself. The opening theme song ... correct?

# 8 21 years ago

Savior ;)
The person who sings it is Deltron 3030 - '3030'

# 9 21 years ago

It was preformed by a band called Deltron 3030. I belive the song was called 3030 as well.

# 10 20 years ago

> Read posts below
>> Can you give me any info (artist, title, ect) on the first part of the Robbery Homicide Division theme?
>> Thanx,
:> Obie

The artist is Deltron 3030 and the title is Deltron 3030 instrumental.

# 11 20 years ago

Theme song
'3030' (instrumental)
written by Dan 'The Automator' Nakamuran and Teren Delvon 'Del the Funky Homosapien' Jones
performed by Deltron 3030

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