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Sony LCD tv commercial music

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# 1 18 years ago

Anyone here familiar with the music in that new sony commercial? The new commercial im talking about is the one where they show a bunch of people with their eyes closed-- a little girl getting dressed, a bunch of people on a train, and finally a woman in a museum. She opens her eyes and the screen fades to black with the words "open your eyes" (or something like that) appear. This is an ad for the new LCD TVs theyre making

anyway, if anyone knows who composed the music in the ad, pleease reply or email me, thanks :)
# 2 19 years ago

The song is Motown Blood by Mando Diao
# 3 19 years ago

> Anyone here familiar with the music in that new sony commercial? The new commercial im talking about is the one where they show a bunch of people with their eyes closed-- a little girl getting dressed, a bunch of people on a train, and finally a woman in a museum. She opens her eyes and the screen fades to black with the words "open your eyes" (or something like that) appear. This is an ad for the new LCD TVs theyre making
> anyway, if anyone knows who composed the music in the ad, pleease reply or email me, thanks :)
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