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# 1 21 years ago

What are all the words of the poem that James Garner says in the Chevy Tahoe commercial.
# 2 21 years ago

> What are all the words of the poem that James Garner says in the Chevy Tahoe commercial.
Also what is the title and author?

# 3 21 years ago

> What are all the words of the poem that James
> Garner says in the Chevy Tahoe commercial.
> Also what is the title and author?
According to Joan Morris of the Contra Costa Times, the poem is called 'Nobody Knows It But Me' and was written by Patrick O'Leary, who works for the advertising agency that created the ad.
'There's a place that I travel/When I want to roam/And nobody knows it but me/The roads don't go there/And the signs stay home/And nobody knows it but me/It's far, far away/And way, way afar/It's over the moon and the sea/And wherever you're going/That's wherever you are/And nobody knows it but me.'
Here's a link to her column:
Pretty good stuff - if I had to guess I would have guessed Robert Frost. So I guess there's hope for all of us frustrated English majors stuck writing ad copy. :)
# 4 21 years ago

> What are all the words of the poem that James Garner says in the Chevy Tahoe commercial.
Please do not sell nor trade my address...and thanks.

# 5 21 years ago

> What are all the words of the poem that James Garner says in the Chevy Tahoe commercial.
Found on google search 'chevy tahoe poetry' is by author/poet Patrick O'Leary
'There's a place I travel when I want to roam, and nobody knows it but me. The roads don't go there and the signs stay home, and nobody knows it but me. It's far, far away and way, way afar, it's over the moon and the sea, and wherever you're going that's wherever you are. And nobody knows it but me.'

# 6 21 years ago

> What are all the words of the poem that James Garner says in the Chevy Tahoe commercial.

# 7 21 years ago

> : What are all the words of the poem that James Garner says in the Chevy Tahoe commercial.Please give me the words to the poem.

# 8 21 years ago

> What are all the words of the poem that James Garner says in the Chevy Tahoe commercial.
I found one answer that said an ad agent by the name of Patrick O'Leary wrote the poem but I am sure I have heard something very similar elsewhere. I thought it might be Robert Service but cannot find a connection. Check out Dear Joan online.

# 9 21 years ago

> What are all the words of the poem that James Garner says in the Chevy Tahoe commercial.

# 10 21 years ago

> What are all the words of the poem that James Garner says in the Chevy Tahoe commercial. Also what is the origin
# 11 21 years ago

> What are all the words of the poem that James Garner says in the Chevy Tahoe commercial.
Nobody Knows It But Me
There's a place that I travel
When I want to roam,
And nobody knows it but me
The roads don't go there
And the signs stay home
And nobody knows it but me
It's far far away
And way way afar
It's over the moon and the sea
And wherever you're going
That's wherever you are
And nobody knows it but me
Patrick O'Leary
# 12 21 years ago

> : What are all the words of the poem that James Garner says in the Chevy Tahoe commercial.
> Also what is the title and author?
I see it's by GM. Check out this site:
# 13 21 years ago

The name of the poem is 'Nobody Knows It But Me' and was written by Patrick O'Leary, who works for the advertising agency that created the ad. Here are the words: 'There's a place that I travel/When I want to roam/And nobody knows it but me/The roads don't go there/And the signs stay home/And nobody knows it but me/It's far, far away/And way, way afar/It's over the moon and the sea/And wherever you're going/That's wherever you are/And nobody knows it but me.'

# 14 21 years ago

> What are all the words of the poem that James Garner says in the Chevy Tahoe commercial.

# 15 21 years ago

The poem in the Chevrolet Tahoe commercial is called 'Nobody Knows It But Me' written by Patrick O'Leary with the voice-over by James Garner. The words of the poem are as follows:
There's a place that I travel
When I want to roam
And nobody knows it but me.
The roads don't go there
And the signs stay home
And nobody knows it but me.
It's far far away
And way way afar
It's over the moon and the sea
And whenever you're going
that's wherever you are
And nobody knows it but me.

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