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LAX songs

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# 1 19 years ago

What was the song from the end of LAX (with Heather Locklear and Blair Underwood) on NBC on Monday night?
It's not the Shining by Badly Drawn Boy but another song
# 2 19 years ago

> What was the song from the end of LAX (with Heather Locklear and Blair Underwood) on NBC on Monday night?
> It's not the Shining by Badly Drawn Boy but another song
> It was wonderwall.....but I don't know by whom.

# 3 19 years ago

> What was the song from the end of LAX (with Heather Locklear and Blair Underwood) on NBC on Monday night?
> It's not the Shining by Badly Drawn Boy but another song
> It was Wonderwall....I don't know the artist though
# 4 19 years ago

Can you remember any of the words? I knew the song when I heard it, but then I heard another song and I can't seem to remember it at all.
# 5 19 years ago

> What was the song from the end of LAX (with Heather Locklear and Blair Underwood) on NBC on Monday night?
> It's not the Shining by Badly Drawn Boy but another song
> I'm looking for the name of the song that was played @ the very end of the show on october 18. I think it might be called "give me a reason" but i'm not sure and i also need the name of the artist. pls and thnx
# 6 19 years ago

If you find out, send me an email, im searching for it too!
# 7 19 years ago

> What was the song from the end of LAX (with Heather Locklear and Blair Underwood) on NBC on Monday night? November 10, 2004.

Male vocals singing Hallelujah...

# 8 19 years ago

> What was the song from the end of LAX (with Heather Locklear and Blair Underwood) on NBC on Monday night?
> It's not the Shining by Badly Drawn Boy but another song
# 9 19 years ago

> What was the song from the end of LAX (with Heather Locklear and Blair Underwood) on NBC on Wednesday night?
> It was Halleluiah or something like that.
# 10 18 years ago

It was GloryBox by Portishead.
# 11 18 years ago

> What was the song from the end of LAX (with Heather Locklear and Blair Underwood) on NBC on Monday night?
> It's not the Shining by Badly Drawn Boy but another song

I don't know if that other response went through, the name of the song is GloryBox, by Portishead.
# 12 19 years ago

> What was the song from the end of LAX (with Heather Locklear and Blair Underwood) on NBC on Monday night?
> It's not the Shining by Badly Drawn Boy but another song
> I am not even sure if it is one of them. Some of the words went like this, " give me a reason to love you....I just wanna be a woman. It was real soothing and chill. it was a good three weeks ago now, but i am still dying to know, anyone?
# 13 19 years ago

> What was the song from the end of LAX (with Heather Locklear and Blair Underwood) on NBC on Monday night?
> It's not the Shining by Badly Drawn Boy but another song
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