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Rubberband Man

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# 1 19 years ago

on the new office max commercials they have rubberband man song playing, it is a great song but, who sings it?
and where could i get an mp3 or wav file of it?
# 2 19 years ago

> on the new office max commercials they have rubberband man song playing, it is a great song but, who sings it?
> and where could i get an mp3 or wav file of it?
The name of the song is Rubberband Man and is sung by the Spinners. It's available on the The Best of the Spinners album on Atlantic Records.
# 3 19 years ago

> on the new office max commercials they have rubberband man song playing, it is a great song but, who sings it?
> and where could i get an mp3 or wav file of it?

spinners is the name of the band, it's and older song.
I would look to wal-mart to download a copy of the song.

# 4 19 years ago

> on the new office max commercials they have rubberband man song playing, it is a great song but, who sings it?
> and where could i get an mp3 or wav file of it?
# 5 19 years ago

ti 12
# 6 19 years ago

> on the new office max commercials they have rubberband man song playing, it is a great song but, who sings it?
> and where could i get an mp3 or wav file of it?
# 7 19 years ago

> on the new office max commercials they have rubberband man song playing, it is a great song but, who sings it?
> and where could i get an mp3 or wav file of it?
# 8 19 years ago

> on the new office max commercials they have rubberband man song playing, it is a great song but, who sings it?
> and where could i get an mp3 or wav file of it?
# 9 19 years ago

> on the new office max commercials they have rubberband man song playing, it is a great song but, who sings it?
> and where could i get an mp3 or wav file of it?
> T.I. sings it and i dont know where you could get a mp3 but it shouldnt be hard
# 10 19 years ago

> on the new office max commercials they have rubberband man song playing, it is a great song but, who sings it?
> and where could i get an mp3 or wav file of it?
# 11 19 years ago

> on the new office max commercials they have rubberband man song playing, it is a great song but, who sings it?
> and where could i get an mp3 or wav file of it?
# 12 19 years ago

> on the new office max commercials they have rubberband man song playing, it is a great song but, who sings it?
> and where could i get an mp3 or wav file of it?
> The Spinners sing Rubberband Man, but I don't know where to get downloads.
# 13 19 years ago

The song is by The Spinners.
# 14 19 years ago

> on the new office max commercials they have rubberband man song playing, it is a great song but, who sings it?
> and where could i get an mp3 or wav file of it?
# 15 19 years ago

> on the new office max commercials they have rubberband man song playing, it is a great song but, who sings it?
> and where could i get an mp3 or wav file of it?
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