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# 1 21 years ago

ok, the song from the levi's ad is the one where the guy and girl steal the car, and the song is like 'and my hands are shakin', i feel my body leaving..'....and then the song from the mitsubishi ad is like a techno song it goes 'another day...just breathe...' over and over...Help would be greatly appreciated!!! title and artist please!! Thank you!
# 2 21 years ago

mitsubishi ad is breathe by telepopmusik. the levi's commercial i don't know. you might want to check previous posts, i believe that both are below.
> ok, the song from the levi's ad is the one where the guy and girl steal the car, and the song is like 'and my hands are shakin', i feel my body leaving..'....and then the song from the mitsubishi ad is like a techno song it goes 'another day...just breathe...' over and over...Help would be greatly appreciated!!! title and artist please!! Thank you!

# 3 21 years ago

Please do a little reading and eliminate multiple postings. Both of these songs have been gone over previously. This one time, I'll tell you though.
Breathe - Telepopmusik
Undertow - Lush
> ok, the song from the levi's ad is the one where the guy and girl steal the car, and the song is like 'and my hands are shakin', i feel my body leaving..'....and then the song from the mitsubishi ad is like a techno song it goes 'another day...just breathe...' over and over...Help would be greatly appreciated!!! title and artist please!! Thank you!

# 4 21 years ago

Monkey Monkey Monkey
I don't believe the Levi's commercial being referred to is Lush's 'Undertow'- I think the one she is looking for is the commercial with the French dictionary.
# 5 21 years ago

the song in the levi's commercial is
'Playground Love' from Air you can hear it on the Virgin Suicides soundtrack.
The other song, I'm here searching for it myself!! IT's awesome

# 6 21 years ago

> The first song is not undertow-Lush, it's
Playground Love- Air.
# 7 21 years ago

Playground Love- Air
# 8 21 years ago

wrong levi's commercial. playground love is from the commercial with the french chick and the guy jumps into the water to get his french-english dictionary.

:> The first song is not undertow-Lush, it's
: Playground Love- Air.

# 9 21 years ago

Telepopmusik - breathe

# 10 21 years ago

thanks everyone for helping me solve my puzzles! Sorry i pissed you off,Josh! Peace! :o)

# 11 21 years ago

The song from the Levi's ad is 'Playground Love' by Air
> Please do a little reading and eliminate multiple postings. Both of these songs have been gone over previously. This one time, I'll tell you though.
: Breathe - Telepopmusik
: Undertow - Lush
>> ok, the song from the levi's ad is the one where the guy and girl steal the car, and the song is like 'and my hands are shakin', i feel my body leaving..'....and then the song from the mitsubishi ad is like a techno song it goes 'another day...just breathe...' over and over...Help would be greatly appreciated!!! title and artist please!! Thank you!

# 12 21 years ago

It's called 'playground love' and the band is 'Air.'

# 13 21 years ago

> ok, the song from the levi's ad is the one where the guy and girl steal the car, and the song is like 'and my hands are shakin', i feel my body leaving..'....and then the song from the mitsubishi ad is like a techno song it goes 'another day...just breathe...' over and over...Help would be greatly appreciated!!! title and artist please!! Thank you!

# 14 21 years ago

OH MY GOD! I've been lokking fo the same freakin mitsubishi techno song for AGES! I dont know what the song is so i cant help you there but i am also wondering what the damn song is called.

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