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Kia Sorento Commercial

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# 1 21 years ago

What's the name of the song in the Kia Sorento Commercial where the wife takes the SUV and tosses the golf clubs over a cliff.
# 2 21 years ago

> What's the name of the song in the Kia Sorento Commercial where the wife takes the SUV and tosses the golf clubs over a cliff.
Doesn't look like anyone has had an answer yet ... Help please !
> what's the song in the kia sorento commercial?
: they only lyrics are, 'I got to go now'...or maybe it's 'I've got to go now' *shrugz*

# 3 21 years ago

Im trying to find the song
Where a black guy is driving a kia, I think its an suv. First clip he's driving from a party
with party goers in the back seat.
Second scene he's driving from another party
with a young female in the passenger.
Thrid scene he's married her and have their kids
in the back seat.I'd really like to find out who the artist is.
# 4 21 years ago

> What's the name of the song in the Kia Sorento Commercial where the wife takes the SUV and tosses the golf clubs over a cliff.
I'm looking for that song as well, 'I got to go...I got to go now..' I've looked everywhere! Have you had any luck??
# 5 21 years ago

> What's the name of the song in the Kia Sorento Commercial where the wife takes the SUV and tosses the golf clubs over a cliff.
I'm looking for that too, dammit. You'd think they'd give props to the band on the official Kia webpage... but no.
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