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Intel Commercial

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# 1 21 years ago

does anybody know the name of the artist or song that is in the newest Intel commercial? it's of a band playing music and then burning it to a cd to bring to class. the music has a jazz/techno thing to it. help!!!
# 2 21 years ago

it's the same song in that Levi's commercial
Basment Jaxx- Do Your Thing

# 3 21 years ago

> does anybody know the name of the artist or song that is in the newest Intel commercial? it's of a band playing music and then burning it to a cd to bring to class. the music has a jazz/techno thing to it. help!!!
> -mike
Mike: it's Basement Jaxx - Do Your Thing. Excellent track, highly recommended.

# 4 21 years ago

> does anybody know the name of the artist or song that is in the newest Intel commercial? it's of a band playing music and then burning it to a cd to bring to class. the music has a jazz/techno thing to it. help!!!
> -mike
'Do your thing' by Basement Jaxx
# 5 21 years ago

> does anybody know the name of the artist or song that is in the newest Intel commercial? it's of a band playing music and then burning it to a cd to bring to class. the music has a jazz/techno thing to it. help!!!
> -mike
did you ever find it? i too am lookin for the same song, no luck so far. i hear a remix of it at a store once, it was tight. if somone could email me if they found the artist/song that would be sweeeeeet.

# 6 21 years ago

blah blah blah
do your thing - 'rooty' , basement jaxx,

# 7 21 years ago

> does anybody know the name of the artist or song that is in the newest Intel commercial? it's of a band playing music and then burning it to a cd to bring to class. the music has a jazz/techno thing to it. help!!!
> -mike
Yup. It's Basement Jaxx's 'Do Your Thing' - Track 12 off of the album, 'Rooty'
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