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Budweiser True World ad

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# 1 19 years ago

Anybody know what the song is in the Budweiser True World Ad? The lyrics are something like "What goes around, comes around, this is the sound, it's time to get down."

Thanks in advance!
# 2 19 years ago

> Anybody know what the song is in the Budweiser True World Ad? The lyrics are something like "What goes around, comes around, this is the sound, it's time to get down."
> Thanks in advance!

I was wondering the same thing and finally just gave in and emailed Budweiser on it. They responded that the song is "To Get Down" by Timo Maas. I found it on their 2002 album "Loud". Hope that helps!
# 3 19 years ago

> > Anybody know what the song is in the Budweiser True World Ad? The lyrics are something like "What goes around, comes around, this is the sound, it's time to get down."
> >
> > Thanks in advance!
> I was wondering the same thing and finally just gave in and emailed Budweiser on it. They responded that the song is "To Get Down" by Timo Maas. I found it on their 2002 album "Loud". Hope that helps!

Oh, THANKS man! You rock!
# 4 19 years ago

> Anybody know what the song is in the Budweiser True World Ad? The lyrics are something like "What goes around, comes around, this is the sound, it's time to get down."
> Thanks in advance!
# 5 19 years ago

> Anybody know what the song is in the Budweiser True World Ad? The lyrics are something like "What goes around, comes around, this is the sound, it's time to get down."
> Thanks in advance!

Spot title

"To Get Down"

Timo Maas
# 6 19 years ago

I've been looking since I first saw the ad and finally found's called "To Get Down," by Timo Maas.

> Anybody know what the song is in the Budweiser True World Ad? The lyrics are something like "What goes around, comes around, this is the sound, it's time to get down."
> Thanks in advance!
# 7 19 years ago

Timo Mass- "To Get Down"....I think
# 8 18 years ago

> Anybody know what the song is in the Budweiser True World Ad? The lyrics are something like "What goes around, comes around, this is the sound, it's time to get down."
> Thanks in advance!

The song is called "To get down" and the artist Timo Maas, but you probably knew that months ago.
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