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NEW GAP COMMERCIAL....what is the music?

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# 1 19 years ago

At the beginning of the new gap commercial that airs during the olympics, there is a really catchy tune that plays showing sarah jessica parker model....but what is that tune
# 2 19 years ago

> At the beginning of the new gap commercial that airs during the olympics, there is a really catchy tune that plays showing sarah jessica parker model....but what is that tune

It's "Are you gonna go my way" by Lenny Kravitz... I think.
# 3 19 years ago

Yes, its Are You Gonna Go My Way. Lenny and SJP are doing a bunch of GAP stuff together.
# 4 19 years ago

I'm pretty sure its "Lady" by Lenny Kravitz, in fact I'm almost positive.
# 5 19 years ago

> At the beginning of the new gap commercial that airs during the olympics, there is a really catchy tune that plays showing sarah jessica parker model....but what is that tune
# 6 19 years ago

> At the beginning of the new gap commercial that airs during the olympics, there is a really catchy tune that plays showing sarah jessica parker model....but what is that tune
# 7 19 years ago

> At the beginning of the new gap commercial that airs during the olympics, there is a really catchy tune that plays showing sarah jessica parker model....but what is that tune

Hey its called Lady by lenny kravitz.. I was looking for it too.. Found it...
# 8 19 years ago

lenny kravitz - lady
# 9 19 years ago

lenny kravitz - lady
# 10 19 years ago

hey man-ya the song is called "Lady"-at least im pretty sure-search it or sumthin-
# 11 19 years ago

> At the beginning of the new gap commercial that airs during the olympics, there is a really catchy tune that plays showing sarah jessica parker model....but what is that tune
# 12 19 years ago

it's Lenny Kriavitz - Lady
# 13 19 years ago

> At the beginning of the new gap commercial that airs during the olympics, there is a really catchy tune that plays showing sarah jessica parker model....but what is that tune

--"Lady" by Lenny Kravitz
# 14 19 years ago

it is a song by Lenny Kravitz called Lady! i love that song!
> At the beginning of the new gap commercial that airs during the olympics, there is a really catchy tune that plays showing sarah jessica parker model....but what is that tune
# 15 19 years ago

> At the beginning of the new gap commercial that airs during the olympics, there is a really catchy tune that plays showing sarah jessica parker model....but what is that tune
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